Old trick. But still very useful. Won’t be long before OS will start limiting these, then we will have to all switch to linux. Stop some software from calling…
How To Automate Tasks On Your Mac and iPhone
(Updated 2023/12/13) Just sharing some tips on how I automate my workflow on Mac and iOS. I use a combination of Shortcuts, Automator, Apple Script and Shell scripting. It’s not very technical and you don’t…
How to upgrade to iOS 17 final from beta or RC version
Final iOS 17.0 is out, and it is the same build as the RC version which is 21A329. You can check in your Settings > General > About > iOS…
5 minutes to start using IPFS InterPlanetary File System
Want to try something new? Play around with InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). Definitely sound cool. The idea of having a decentralised P2P network to share files is not new, BitTorrent and Tor are…
How Not To Lose Money With Cryptocurrency: Common Investor Mistakes To Sidestep
(Updated 20240201) Extending on my Cryptocurrency for Beginners: Tips and Tricks You Should Know article, which was written for newbies to get into trading and start playing around with crypto, I am…
How to trade cryptocurrencies: A beginner’s guide to buy and sell crypto
(Updated 20240201) Cryptocurrency is still the main killer app for blockchain tech, many projects been trying hard to build new business case with it, but still ended up just dancing…
Why I chose Brave Browser as my Chrome replacement
(Updated 20221022) Let’s try to change the data economy together. Put a little pressure on Google and Facebook to price your time spent with their “free” services and reward you…
30 minutes to Setup Production Ready Hyperledger Fabric cluster with Docker Swarm
This is a guide to set up a Fabric Network of 1 orderer with Kafka, 1 Organisation with 3 peers, deployed across 3 nodes using extra_hosts configuration. This network is…
30 minutes to Setup Dev/Test Hyperledger Fabric cluster on multiple hosts (not for deployment)
(20210124 This article is (over)due for an update to Fabric 2.3/2.2.x, until then, you can still play around with 1.4.4 as below.) This is a guide to set up a…
Really? Fat people keep getting fatter – AI Wrote This
It’s no accident. A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) found that over the past 25 years, “average daily rates of…