#Apple doesn’t just do easy things. Somehow they just make it looks simple. 🙂 cbc.ca/news/technolog…
Get a #RaspberryPi and play around with #HomeAssistant, a nice solution for home automation. dzone.com/articles/home-…
Get a #RaspberryPi and play around with #HomeAssistant, a nice solution for home automation. dzone.com/articles/home-…
Another decade for them to keep #Tennis interesting to watch. :) bbc.com/sport/tennis/4…
Another decade for them to keep #Tennis interesting to watch. 🙂 bbc.com/sport/tennis/4…
When we will all have end-to-end encrypted emails? #encryption #privacy arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20…
When we will all have end-to-end encrypted emails? #encryption #privacy arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20…
It is a great looking car, and cheap. But will it still be cool if it is all driverless? I sit at the back? #Tesla inquisitr.com/4514819/first-…
It is a great looking car, and cheap. But will it still be cool if it is all driverless? I sit at the back? #Tesla https://www.inquisitr.com/4514819/first-model-3-production-austin-tx-learning-curve/ Interesting article about the…
Still waiting for better solution than 2-factor. Certainly not 3-4-5-factor. Need a major rethink. #Biometric + #AI? theverge.com/2017/9/23/1635…
Still waiting for better solution than 2-factor. Certainly not 3-4-5-factor. Need a major rethink. #Biometric + #AI? theverge.com/2017/9/23/1635…
Internet is helping people to tell government what they want. But often don’t and shouldn’t all get what they want. theguardian.com/technology/201…
Internet is helping people to tell government what they want. But often don’t and shouldn’t all get what they want. theguardian.com/technology/201…
To understand a bit more about why #iPhone8 is a significant upgrade. #A11 processor is great. appleinsider.com/articles/17/09…
To understand a bit more about why #iPhone8 is a significant upgrade. #A11 processor is great. appleinsider.com/articles/17/09…
I don’t even try to watch anything unless it is like a current craze. Content overload is real. recode.net/2017/9/23/1635…
I don’t even try to watch anything unless it is like a current craze. Content overload is real. recode.net/2017/9/23/1635…
#Driverless will also change ownership and utilization models of the future. techcrunch.com/2017/09/23/fiv…
#Driverless will also change ownership and utilization models of the future. techcrunch.com/2017/09/23/fiv…