When some are predicting #bitcoin to go down to 15k and this guy is expecting it to go to 160k, it’s another reason why #crypto needs to be trustless. 🙂…
2017/8 cycle from 19k down to a low of 3.5k. This time 65k down to around 15k or so. Sounds about right? #bitcoin #crypto news.bitcoin.com/guggenheim-cio…
2017/8 cycle from 19k down to a low of 3.5k. This time 65k down to around 15k or so. Sounds about right? #bitcoin #crypto news.bitcoin.com/guggenheim-cio…
A very interesting project for kids this summer. Build your own Lego Microscope. #STEM github.com/tobetz/LegoMic…
A very interesting project for kids this summer. Build your own Lego Microscope. #STEM github.com/tobetz/LegoMic…
I wonder if #Microsoft will end up buying #atlassian. techrepublic.com/article/github…
I wonder if #Microsoft will end up buying #atlassian. techrepublic.com/article/github…
#Bitcoin blockchain is just around 350GB, for less than 5 transactions per second (visa can do 1700/s). You phone can handle that. All extra hardware and electricity for mining are for the “trust” model. Is it worth it? #Crypto blockchain.com/charts/blocks-…
#Bitcoin blockchain is just around 350GB, for less than 5 transactions per second (visa can do 1700/s). You phone can handle that. All extra hardware and electricity for mining are…
That is a drawing of #MarkZuckerberg wearing #AR baseball hat? It’s not too ugly (just that we have seen uglier with sunscreen). :) gizmodo.com/google-glass-w…
That is a drawing of #MarkZuckerberg wearing #AR baseball hat? It’s not too ugly (just that we have seen uglier with sunscreen). 🙂 gizmodo.com/google-glass-w…
It’s not that simple. Not about having ethical #AI principles and everyone will follow it. How do we control something smarter than us? How to code these principles in the training models? weforum.org/agenda/2021/06…
It’s not that simple. Not about having ethical #AI principles and everyone will follow it. How do we control something smarter than us? How to code these principles in the…
#BraveSearch. Over ambitious, aiming at beating #Google. It will be hard to even beat #duckduckgo to be #6! brave.com/search/#search…
#BraveSearch. Over ambitious, aiming at beating #Google. It will be hard to even beat #duckduckgo to be #6! brave.com/search/#search…
Anyone still buy SSL certificates for a few hundred dollars each year? #security #privacy makeuseof.com/how-to-get-fre…
Anyone still buy SSL certificates for a few hundred dollars each year? #security #privacy makeuseof.com/how-to-get-fre…
Can #Hyundai be the first to make a consumer ready #IronMan suit? newatlas.com/robotics/hyund…
Can #Hyundai be the first to make a consumer ready #IronMan suit? newatlas.com/robotics/hyund…