
eplt tech blog

Competition is good for consumers. Driving price down. #Tesla

https://www.benzinga.com/markets/equities/24/04/38350014/elon-musk-reacts-to-teslas-pricing-debate-only-a-fool-thinks?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=topic%2Ftechnology Tesla’s margin is about 17% or so. Even at 10-17% off, can they start gaining market share again and back on growth path? Will they ever make the most…

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#AI world is not all about #OpenAI and #ElonMusk. There are still many new things to try, play around! #Claude3 and #Llama3 are good too.

https://www.kdnuggets.com/getting-started-with-claude-3-opus-that-just-destroyed-gpt-4-and-gemini https://www.benzinga.com/news/24/03/37723844/they-stole-everything-elon-musks-war-with-openai-heats-up-after-soras-data-sourcing-doubts-emerge-in https://wow.groq.com/12-hours-later-groq-is-running-llama-3-instruct-8-70b-by-meta-ai-on-its-lpu-inference-enginge It’s still too early to say that ChatGPT will be the only AI service we will need. Play around. Try out my ArtVoyager bot on Poe.com, it’s…

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