#WWDC23 Wishlist: Maybe it is finally time to think about making #vscode an option to #Xcode? Open up to many more extensions. Integrate with copilot and other AI coding assistants.
#WWDC23 Wishlist: What will #Apple do with #ChatGPT? Will it include some privacy ready on-device GANs? Or will it be another tied up with #Microsoft like they did 25 years ago?
#WWDC23 Wishlist: What will #Apple do with #ChatGPT? Will it include some privacy ready on-device GANs? Or will it be another tied up with #Microsoft like they did 25 years…
#WWDC23 Wishlist: Universal Control is cool, but not very stable. I wish we can just specify IP address and network adapter rather than just relying on Continuity bluetooth and wifi to work out proximity, etc. I went back to use #Symless for soft kvm.
#WWDC23 Wishlist: Universal Control is cool, but not very stable. I wish we can just specify IP address and network adapter rather than just relying on Continuity bluetooth and wifi…
#WWDC23 Wishlist: Please give us more control over #Shortcuts. Make sure it can fully replace Automator and even AppleScript. #Apple is still too careful about these automation tools, won’t allow for auto messages or auto geo-location trigger, etc. Semi-automatic is not enough.
#WWDC23 Wishlist: Please give us more control over #Shortcuts. Make sure it can fully replace Automator and even AppleScript. #Apple is still too careful about these automation tools, won’t allow…
#WWDC23 Wishlist: Will we finally get #Healthkit on Mac? Better yet, can we start linking #homekit with that too?
#WWDC23 Wishlist: Will we finally get #Healthkit on Mac? Better yet, can we start linking #homekit with that too?
It’s good to have yet another attempt to form a multi-#blockchain collaboration for future of #DeFi. Wish they can truly embrace #opensource and make it free for all to use! docs.daml.com/getting-starte…
It’s good to have yet another attempt to form a multi-#blockchain collaboration for future of #DeFi. Wish they can truly embrace #opensource and make it free for all to use!…
#AWS will have to keep innovating and reducing price. seekingalpha.com/article/460267…
#AWS will have to keep innovating and reducing price. seekingalpha.com/article/460267…
#Google keep releasing #pixel phones, late to market, with no unique features, year after year. theverge.com/23715900/googl…
#Google keep releasing #pixel phones, late to market, with no unique features, year after year. theverge.com/23715900/googl…
Very interesting idea for #IoT. newscientist.com/article/237236…
Very interesting idea for #IoT. newscientist.com/article/237236…
Don’t rule out #Meta just yet. #MarkZuckerberg is a fighter. #AI race won’t be just between Elon and Microsoft. engadget.com/metas-open-sou…
Don’t rule out #Meta just yet. #MarkZuckerberg is a fighter. #AI race won’t be just between Elon and Microsoft. engadget.com/metas-open-sou…