Been toying with CouchDB for multi-master replication, but can try #FoundationDB soon, open source by #Apple.
Not saying that #Apple can’t replace #Intel in future desktop and laptop Macs. But it won’t be easy to beat Intel. Apple SoC needs to be many times better to keep Pro users.…
Not saying that #Apple can’t replace #Intel in future desktop and laptop Macs. But it won’t be easy to beat Intel. Apple SoC needs to be many times better to…
How come we are still reading this as if #Apple didn’t buy Beats? They probably sold more speakers and headphones than Amazon, Google and Sonos combined.…
How come we are still reading this as if #Apple didn’t buy Beats? They probably sold more speakers and headphones than Amazon, Google and Sonos combined.…
#FaceID might be more secure, but it is not as user-friendly as #TouchID. I am entering passcode more often on my #iPhoneX than before. #Apple should add back TouchID to future iPhone X!
#FaceID might be more secure, but it is not as user-friendly as #TouchID. I am entering passcode more often on my #iPhoneX than before. #Apple should add back TouchID to…
Now you can buy #Apple App Store ranking directly from Apple. No, just well-intentioned ads to boost download counts, not to manipulate the charts. Depends who is buying or selling.…
Now you can buy #Apple App Store ranking directly from Apple. No, just well-intentioned ads to boost download counts, not to manipulate the charts. Depends who is buying or selling….
Can #Apple catch up on machine learning tools for developers?…
Can #Apple catch up on machine learning tools for developers?…
#Siri is great when it is working. But it needs a very good internet connection. Why can’t #Apple make the voice recognition partially offline ready? Dragon Dictate can work well without any data connection.
#Siri is great when it is working. But it needs a very good internet connection. Why can’t #Apple make the voice recognition partially offline ready? Dragon Dictate can work well…
#Apple is releasing too many bugs, bad bugs in latest #iOS and #macOS. My iPhone stopped working, endless looping every 2-3 minutes, and hard to update to 11.2 with the bug.…
#Apple is releasing too many bugs, bad bugs in latest #iOS and #macOS. My iPhone stopped working, endless looping every 2-3 minutes, and hard to update to 11.2 with the…
#Apple will continue to build a more complete SoC, using AI across the whole system to improve user experience.…
#Apple will continue to build a more complete SoC, using AI across the whole system to improve user experience.…
#Apple had quite a few embarrassing bugs with #HighSierra and #iOS. Getting too big for annual releases? Might push users to wait for .1 or .2 version before upgrading.…
#Apple had quite a few embarrassing bugs with #HighSierra and #iOS. Getting too big for annual releases? Might push users to wait for .1 or .2 version before upgrading.…