When will #macOS Photos app be able to automatically detect and correct orientations? Seems like a good problem to solve with #AI. apple.com/macos/photos/
I wonder do we still need ads in the digital age? There are more direct ways to get you to buy something. Direct personalised manipulation of purchasing decision is possible with #AI. brave.com/magna-brave-st…
I wonder do we still need ads in the digital age? There are more direct ways to get you to buy something. Direct personalised manipulation of purchasing decision is possible…
Hard to tell if #OpenAI is still well trusted to push new standards for #AI after the whole #GPT3 closed source debacle. siliconangle.com/2021/07/28/ope…
Hard to tell if #OpenAI is still well trusted to push new standards for #AI after the whole #GPT3 closed source debacle. siliconangle.com/2021/07/28/ope…
Will US restrict the use of Wu Dao 2.0 or other non-US #AI models? forbes.com/sites/alexzhav…
Will US restrict the use of Wu Dao 2.0 or other non-US #AI models? forbes.com/sites/alexzhav…
Just finished reading “Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment”. We care a lot about bias in #AI, but how about solving the noise? Will it all be just averaged out and treated as bias? amazon.com/gp/product/031…
Just finished reading “Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment”. We care a lot about bias in #AI, but how about solving the noise? Will it all be just averaged out…
When will #AI be able to generate full movies and screw up #hollywood? vice.com/en/article/z3x…
When will #AI be able to generate full movies and screw up #hollywood? vice.com/en/article/z3x…
How many coder colleagues can this replace? #AI thenextweb.com/news/github-co…
How many coder colleagues can this replace? #AI thenextweb.com/news/github-co…
It’s not that simple. Not about having ethical #AI principles and everyone will follow it. How do we control something smarter than us? How to code these principles in the training models? weforum.org/agenda/2021/06…
It’s not that simple. Not about having ethical #AI principles and everyone will follow it. How do we control something smarter than us? How to code these principles in the…
We can accept human driver errors causing deaths to other road users but we can’t allow technology to be imperfect, not even with the same insurance coverage. #AI #AutonomousVehicles theconversation.com/why-we-still-d…
We can accept human driver errors causing deaths to other road users but we can’t allow technology to be imperfect, not even with the same insurance coverage. #AI #AutonomousVehicles theconversation.com/why-we-still-d…
#WWDC21 Wishlist: New #AI frameworks for app developers to build on-device features.
#WWDC21 Wishlist: New #AI frameworks for app developers to build on-device features.