When will #AI be able to generate full movies and screw up #hollywood? vice.com/en/article/z3x…
How many coder colleagues can this replace? #AI thenextweb.com/news/github-co…
How many coder colleagues can this replace? #AI thenextweb.com/news/github-co…
It’s not that simple. Not about having ethical #AI principles and everyone will follow it. How do we control something smarter than us? How to code these principles in the training models? weforum.org/agenda/2021/06…
It’s not that simple. Not about having ethical #AI principles and everyone will follow it. How do we control something smarter than us? How to code these principles in the…
We can accept human driver errors causing deaths to other road users but we can’t allow technology to be imperfect, not even with the same insurance coverage. #AI #AutonomousVehicles theconversation.com/why-we-still-d…
We can accept human driver errors causing deaths to other road users but we can’t allow technology to be imperfect, not even with the same insurance coverage. #AI #AutonomousVehicles theconversation.com/why-we-still-d…
#WWDC21 Wishlist: New #AI frameworks for app developers to build on-device features.
#WWDC21 Wishlist: New #AI frameworks for app developers to build on-device features.
They might as well rebrand it as #Microsoft OpenAI. #AI venturebeat.com/2021/06/01/mic…
They might as well rebrand it as #Microsoft OpenAI. #AI venturebeat.com/2021/06/01/mic…
#OpenAI was smart (or just cunning) in promoting their brand and GPT. #Google is still dominating actual #AI usage. thenextweb.com/neural/2021/01…
#OpenAI was smart (or just cunning) in promoting their brand and GPT. #Google is still dominating actual #AI usage. thenextweb.com/neural/2021/01…
4.5 billion words a day, when it scales up to 4.5 trillion words a day, how can you tell if most content you read are synthetic? (Sound better than fake, right?) #AI theverge.com/2021/3/29/2235…
4.5 billion words a day, when it scales up to 4.5 trillion words a day, how can you tell if most content you read are synthetic? (Sound better than fake,…
James T. Kirk Forever! #StarTrek #AI ew.com/tv/william-sha…
James T. Kirk Forever! #StarTrek #AI ew.com/tv/william-sha…
Is it very different from Hollywood using stunt doubles? #AI bbc.com/news/business-…
Is it very different from Hollywood using stunt doubles? #AI bbc.com/news/business-…