
eplt tech blog

Let’s keep officers at airports checking passports, looking at faces, don’t check against a full database but just a top 10 list of most wanted. That’s the kind of irrational resistance against tech like #AI. buzzfeednews.com/article/letici…

Let’s keep officers at airports checking passports, looking at faces, don’t check against a full database but just a top 10 list of most wanted. That’s the kind of irrational…

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Banning facial recognition just for local government agencies won’t help with user privacy, many companies will continue to exploit it. But will certain protect jobs by deliberately avoiding tools to speed up certain type of tedious tasks. #AI bbc.com/news/technolog…

Banning facial recognition just for local government agencies won’t help with user privacy, many companies will continue to exploit it. But will certain protect jobs by deliberately avoiding tools to…

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