Hard to imagine #Uber accepting a $50B valuation, $19B less than last time. But they had 2 bad PR years so far. inc.com/business-insid…
#Google has a talent management issue, they can’t keep leaders of companies they bought in. 9to5google.com/2017/09/15/ess…
#Google has a talent management issue, they can’t keep leaders of companies they bought in. 9to5google.com/2017/09/15/ess…
#Apple been including #WeChat in many #iPhone keynotes in recent years. It is one of the most innovative chat app. theverge.com/2017/9/15/1630…
#Apple been including #WeChat in many #iPhone keynotes in recent years. It is one of the most innovative chat app. theverge.com/2017/9/15/1630…
Learning something this weekend. #ICOs, VCs, IPOs and SPACs. bloomberg.com/view/articles/…
Learning something this weekend. #ICOs, VCs, IPOs and SPACs. bloomberg.com/view/articles/…
One of the first mobile app #unicorn. At least keeping unicorn status with IPO pricing. :) venturebeat.com/2017/09/15/ang…
One of the first mobile app #unicorn. At least keeping unicorn status with IPO pricing. 🙂 venturebeat.com/2017/09/15/ang…
#Google spent over $1.1B on #selfdriving tech. Spending another billion on #Lyft is the next phase of testing. spectrum.ieee.org/cars-that-thin…
#Google spent over $1.1B on #selfdriving tech. Spending another billion on #Lyft is the next phase of testing. spectrum.ieee.org/cars-that-thin…
$599 for a black and white tablet. That’s the price you pay for nostalgia. Get an #iPadPro. venturebeat.com/2017/09/15/rem…
$599 for a black and white tablet. That’s the price you pay for nostalgia. Get an #iPadPro. venturebeat.com/2017/09/15/rem…
Not thinking about #AI or #MachineLearning bubble bursting, but not common to have a buzzword topic for over a year. huffingtonpost.com/entry/will-the…
Not thinking about #AI or #MachineLearning bubble bursting, but not common to have a buzzword topic for over a year. huffingtonpost.com/entry/will-the…
Impak Coin, #ICOs for socially beneficial companies. fastcompany.com/40456378/can-i…
Impak Coin, #ICOs for socially beneficial companies. fastcompany.com/40456378/can-i…
#ICO isn’t a bad idea as such, but it is not generally regulated, you better know the risks before you invest. hackernoon.com/icos-surpassed…
#ICO isn’t a bad idea as such, but it is not generally regulated, you better know the risks before you invest. hackernoon.com/icos-surpassed…