About the right time of the year to start playing with the next #iOS. Usually end of August for less buggy version just before the GM in early Sept. pic.twitter.com/t95K5CqaGG
#Apple investing in 2nd gen #FaceID already whilst #Android are still stuck with finger-print unlock. Can’t enforce all makers to adopt expensive components or just to innovate. frontpagetech.com/2021/08/25/exc…
#Apple investing in 2nd gen #FaceID already whilst #Android are still stuck with finger-print unlock. Can’t enforce all makers to adopt expensive components or just to innovate. frontpagetech.com/2021/08/25/exc…
Fun project for the weekend if you have a #RaspberryPi with a camera. tomshardware.com/news/scan-3d-o…
Fun project for the weekend if you have a #RaspberryPi with a camera. tomshardware.com/news/scan-3d-o…
Can #crypto help to design a fair and safe voting system? cointelegraph.com/news/vitalik-t…
Can #crypto help to design a fair and safe voting system? cointelegraph.com/news/vitalik-t…
How about #Bitcoin as digital gold, #Ethereum for smart contracts and #Dogecoin for all digital rewards? Top 3 right there. markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencie…
How about #Bitcoin as digital gold, #Ethereum for smart contracts and #Dogecoin for all digital rewards? Top 3 right there. markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencie…
Even #BBC can’t resist making it difficult for users to opt out of sharing (selling) personal data to third party for profit. Needed over 30+ clicks to uncheck all boxes, but just need one click to consent to sell all data. #privacy pic.twitter.com/qAqujeW4ph
Even #BBC can’t resist making it difficult for users to opt out of sharing (selling) personal data to third party for profit. Needed over 30+ clicks to uncheck all boxes,…
We all know that #Binance US is just a farce to keep SEC busy. CZ is Binance and everyone knows that. nymag.com/intelligencer/…
We all know that #Binance US is just a farce to keep SEC busy. CZ is Binance and everyone knows that. nymag.com/intelligencer/…
Governments are slow. Been having mobile charger issues since early #nokia days. Down to just 2-3 types is already a great progress by the industry and user choice. Limiting to just one is not authoritarian? finance.yahoo.com/news/eu-propos…
Governments are slow. Been having mobile charger issues since early #nokia days. Down to just 2-3 types is already a great progress by the industry and user choice. Limiting to…
What do you think we have been watching from #Hollywood since Jurassic Park and Avatar? This is a very cheap stunt by #Nvidia, literally, comparing to CGI budget of blockbusters. vice.com/en/article/88n…
What do you think we have been watching from #Hollywood since Jurassic Park and Avatar? This is a very cheap stunt by #Nvidia, literally, comparing to CGI budget of blockbusters….
Do we want choice? Or just the idea of having a choice? cnbc.com/2021/08/11/bip…
Do we want choice? Or just the idea of having a choice? cnbc.com/2021/08/11/bip…