Quite a lot of talk about the notch on #iPhoneX, I prefer that to thick black bar at bottom of screen on others. bgr.com/2017/09/13/iph…
Just like every music player makers tried for #iPod killers. Auto industry is looking for #Tesla killers. :) mashable.com/2017/09/13/aud…
Just like every music player makers tried for #iPod killers. Auto industry is looking for #Tesla killers. 🙂 mashable.com/2017/09/13/aud…
New #AppleWatch Cellular has 16GB storage. More than enough to replace your typical music player. Just add #Airpods. thestreet.com/story/14304862…
New #AppleWatch Cellular has 16GB storage. More than enough to replace your typical music player. Just add #Airpods. thestreet.com/story/14304862…
Still waiting fot #Niantic to come up with the next hit after #PokemonGo with better #AR hardware from #Apple. mashable.com/2017/09/13/iph…
Still waiting fot #Niantic to come up with the next hit after #PokemonGo with better #AR hardware from #Apple. mashable.com/2017/09/13/iph…
It’s not about the $179 price of #AppleTV4K, it’s about content and apps you can get on your TV. theverge.com/circuitbreaker…
It’s not about the $179 price of #AppleTV4K, it’s about content and apps you can get on your TV. theverge.com/circuitbreaker…
New component to play with DIY voice applications at home with #RaspberryPi. zdnet.com/article/respea…
New component to play with DIY voice applications at home with #RaspberryPi. zdnet.com/article/respea…
Standard concerns about privacy. They asked similar questions about #TouchID too. #Apple is generally ok with these. 9to5mac.com/2017/09/13/app…
Standard concerns about privacy. They asked similar questions about #TouchID too. #Apple is generally ok with these. 9to5mac.com/2017/09/13/app…
#MachineLearning and #AI will continue to transform many data heavy industries. bloomberg.com/news/videos/20…
#MachineLearning and #AI will continue to transform many data heavy industries. bloomberg.com/news/videos/20…
This might end up to be more profitable for #Tesla than selling cars. Will it become a trucks company? engadget.com/2017/09/13/tes…
This might end up to be more profitable for #Tesla than selling cars. Will it become a trucks company? engadget.com/2017/09/13/tes…
Okay, I am just too lazy, still prefer to wait for #RaspberryPi 4. But good to know what others can do with #RPi3. hackaday.com/2017/09/13/the…
Okay, I am just too lazy, still prefer to wait for #RaspberryPi 4. But good to know what others can do with #RPi3. hackaday.com/2017/09/13/the…