#WWDC2022 Wishlist: Will #Apple come up with #macOS #iCloud? Similar to the Windows 365 Cloud PC? So I can login to any Mac anywhere and just work?
#WWDC2022 Wishlist: What can #Apple do to make #iCloud better for photo sharing? How about short videos too? A private TikTok?
#WWDC2022 Wishlist: What can #Apple do to make #iCloud better for photo sharing? How about short videos too? A private TikTok?
A long list of security issues fixed in #iOS 15.5 update. More importantly for me, #Apple fixed #iCloud My Photo Stream sync which they broke in 15.4! support.apple.com/en-gb/HT213258
A long list of security issues fixed in #iOS 15.5 update. More importantly for me, #Apple fixed #iCloud My Photo Stream sync which they broke in 15.4! support.apple.com/en-gb/HT213258
#WWDC2022 Wishlist: #iCloud storage pricing, make it cheap enough for end users so more developers will start using it as primary storage for their apps. It’s currently one of the most expensive per GB/TB.
#WWDC2022 Wishlist: #iCloud storage pricing, make it cheap enough for end users so more developers will start using it as primary storage for their apps. It’s currently one of the…
#WWDC2022 Wishlist: Fixing #iCloud sync issues and open up #Safari bookmark sync for other browsers and platforms. macreports.com/safari-icloud-…
#WWDC2022 Wishlist: Fixing #iCloud sync issues and open up #Safari bookmark sync for other browsers and platforms. macreports.com/safari-icloud-…
I wish “My Photo Stream” will start supporting HEIC and Live Photos. Sorting out duplicates in nearly 500GB of photos is not fun. And I don’t want all my photos on #icloud. support.apple.com/en-gb/HT205743
I wish “My Photo Stream” will start supporting HEIC and Live Photos. Sorting out duplicates in nearly 500GB of photos is not fun. And I don’t want all my photos…
It’s not even about #privacy. #Apple doing what it can to filter out illegal content being uploaded to #iCloud is the right thing to do. bgr.com/tech/apple-jus…
It’s not even about #privacy. #Apple doing what it can to filter out illegal content being uploaded to #iCloud is the right thing to do. bgr.com/tech/apple-jus…
#WWDC21 Is #iCloud+ Private Relay compatible with national firewalls? Legally and technically?
#WWDC21 Is #iCloud+ Private Relay compatible with national firewalls? Legally and technically?
#WWDC21 Wishlist: Should #iCloud be cheaper? Or give us annual payment discount again?
#WWDC21 Wishlist: Should #iCloud be cheaper? Or give us annual payment discount again?
#WWDC21 Wishlist: I actually miss AirPort Time Capsule to extend Time Machine feature. Can #homeOS have something like that? Plug in a spare hard disk to your homeOS device and have a seamless NAS at home, hybrid with #icloud?
#WWDC21 Wishlist: I actually miss AirPort Time Capsule to extend Time Machine feature. Can #homeOS have something like that? Plug in a spare hard disk to your homeOS device and…