Hacking is not supposed to be easy. #Blockchain might help with data security. But #AI might be the game changer. thenextweb.com/contributors/2…
#Blockchain services will be more common soon. Will it be part of all big #cloud platforms? coindesk.com/blockchain-sta…
#Blockchain services will be more common soon. Will it be part of all big #cloud platforms? coindesk.com/blockchain-sta…
Banks are moving fast into #Blockchain and buying up payment #startups to stay relevant. fortune.com/2017/10/18/jpm…
Banks are moving fast into #Blockchain and buying up payment #startups to stay relevant. fortune.com/2017/10/18/jpm…
#Blockchain will be more widely used for better transactional data protection so bankers can’t fiddle with records. darkreading.com/cloud/banking-…
#Blockchain will be more widely used for better transactional data protection so bankers can’t fiddle with records. darkreading.com/cloud/banking-…
Not agreeing with valuation of #Bitcoin as a currency has very little to do with technical capabilities of #Blockchain. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
Not agreeing with valuation of #Bitcoin as a currency has very little to do with technical capabilities of #Blockchain. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
Let’s hope this won’t be Enron 2.0. #Blockchain can make trading info more transparent and trustworthy. :) fastcompany.com/40479952/this-…
Let’s hope this won’t be Enron 2.0. #Blockchain can make trading info more transparent and trustworthy. 🙂 fastcompany.com/40479952/this-…
#eShares raised $41m, another equity management software company this week. Not talking #ICO or #Blockchain yet? axios.com/eshares-raises…
#eShares raised $41m, another equity management software company this week. Not talking #ICO or #Blockchain yet? axios.com/eshares-raises…
Trusting a company to run your #Blockchain is okay for internal use, but they can theoretically hack or control it. coindesk.com/oracles-entran…
Trusting a company to run your #Blockchain is okay for internal use, but they can theoretically hack or control it. coindesk.com/oracles-entran…
Ability to encrypt transactions defeats the point of using #Blockchain, but if that makes bankers happy to adopt… investopedia.com/news/zero-know…
Ability to encrypt transactions defeats the point of using #Blockchain, but if that makes bankers happy to adopt… investopedia.com/news/zero-know…
Australian #Blockchain #startup Power Ledger raised $34m with #ICO. Still hot. coindesk.com/34-million-aus…
Australian #Blockchain #startup Power Ledger raised $34m with #ICO. Still hot. coindesk.com/34-million-aus…