Hass.io is fun. Good for home automation pilot projects. #Homekit is far too restricted and boring for now. home-assistant.io
Outpacing #Apple? On losses, maybe. Can #Spotify be profitable any time soon? techcrunch.com/2017/07/31/spo…
Outpacing #Apple? On losses, maybe. Can #Spotify be profitable any time soon? techcrunch.com/2017/07/31/spo…
It took so long for them to realise why #Apple is so far ahead. Not just processors, Lightning, Thunderbolt, etc. wired.co.uk/article/the-ri…
It took so long for them to realise why #Apple is so far ahead. Not just processors, Lightning, Thunderbolt, etc. wired.co.uk/article/the-ri…
#Apple won, again. Sorry #Adobe, #Flash ended up to be a failed Online Ad technology, hated by many. cnet.com/news/adobe-kil…
#Apple won, again. Sorry #Adobe, #Flash ended up to be a failed Online Ad technology, hated by many. cnet.com/news/adobe-kil…
#Musk is a rocket scientist, if #AI scares him, it is quite scary. #Zuckerberg wants AI to sell more ads. Easy. bbc.com/news/technolog…
#Musk is a rocket scientist, if #AI scares him, it is quite scary. #Zuckerberg wants AI to sell more ads. Easy. bbc.com/news/technolog…
#Mac is supposed to be fun and creative, but it doesn’t come with Paint, Minesweeper and Solitaire. Just Chess, boring. https://twitter.com/Microsoft/status/889691624757788672
#Mac is supposed to be fun and creative, but it doesn’t come with Paint, Minesweeper and Solitaire. Just Chess, boring. Microsoft Paint: Here to stayhttps://t.co/yiJvvYh7GT pic.twitter.com/EXRqIyVLGm — Microsoft (@Microsoft) July…
Time to try #Atom, new text editor. Been using #BBEdit for too long, getting bored. Need a truly cross-platform one. atom.io
Time to try #Atom, new text editor. Been using #BBEdit for too long, getting bored. Need a truly cross-platform one. atom.io
If and when #selfdrivingcars are here, do you want different companies to control them so they have different competing priorities?
If and when #selfdrivingcars are here, do you want different companies to control them so they have different competing priorities?
Backup your #Gmail, can delete some old emails and stay under the quota limit. gmvault.org
Backup your #Gmail, can delete some old emails and stay under the quota limit. gmvault.org
Will #Twitter ever decide to remove 140chars restriction as we are not in dumb-mobile-SMS age. Not saying that being concise is bad.
Will #Twitter ever decide to remove 140chars restriction as we are not in dumb-mobile-SMS age. Not saying that being concise is bad.