It’s so easy to manipulate the market with “estimates” or just a guess. My bet is still on #Apple making more money, beating records, etc.…
Developers could have coded their own logic to force updates. #Google kind of missed the point here, it’s OS level enforcement of update which will force developers to adopt latest system features.…
Developers could have coded their own logic to force updates. #Google kind of missed the point here, it’s OS level enforcement of update which will force developers to adopt latest…
Very brave or very stupid of #Qualcomm?…
Very brave or very stupid of #Qualcomm?…
It’s time to say goodbye to #Flickr for many users. Just 1000 photos for free tier is simply not competitive and more worryingly not useful to most smartphones with tens of thousands of photos.…
It’s time to say goodbye to #Flickr for many users. Just 1000 photos for free tier is simply not competitive and more worryingly not useful to most smartphones with tens…
Is it that hard to believe that #AppleMusic is just one or two announcements away from overtaking #Spotify? And then we will see which FAMG will buy it up.…
Is it that hard to believe that #AppleMusic is just one or two announcements away from overtaking #Spotify? And then we will see which FAMG will buy it up.…
#Apple $10B revenue a quarter from services is better than most pure SaaS and content platforms out there.…
#Apple $10B revenue a quarter from services is better than most pure SaaS and content platforms out there.…
When will #Apple have their first $100B quarter?…
When will #Apple have their first $100B quarter?…
Will there be USB-C in future #iPhones?
Will there be USB-C in future #iPhones?
#Apple is getting ready for next gen executive team. Will take years before you can remember any of them by name.…
#Apple is getting ready for next gen executive team. Will take years before you can remember any of them by name.…
Guess we have to wait till 2019 for new #Airpods and #MacPro.
Guess we have to wait till 2019 for new #Airpods and #MacPro.