What is #Twitter and how to replace it? Do we use it for news? Just trends of news? Will still be relevant with AI? cnet.com/news/everyone-…
That’s why I use #iOS! https://twitter.com/TheNextWeb/status/865292310707412993
That’s why I use #iOS! Google is redesigning its awful blob emoji for the new Android O https://t.co/T60tsuhvbw pic.twitter.com/82wqD1EEYg — TNW (@thenextweb) May 18, 2017
You really shouldn’t listen to stupid journalists. This is worse than #fakenews. cnet.co/2qMMMMQ via @CNET
You really shouldn’t listen to stupid journalists. This is worse than #fakenews. cnet.co/2qMMMMQ via @CNET
I have something against any app that forces me to share my full address book. I am okay to add individuals to chat. #Signal
I have something against any app that forces me to share my full address book. I am okay to add individuals to chat. #Signal
#Google is so good at fragmenting (or just complicating) their own market, rather than pushing for best solution. techcrunch.com/2017/05/17/and…
#Google is so good at fragmenting (or just complicating) their own market, rather than pushing for best solution. techcrunch.com/2017/05/17/and…
#Apple gets 92% #iPhone customer loyalty. They did the same with #iPod a decade ago. markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/ap…
#Apple gets 92% #iPhone customer loyalty. They did the same with #iPod a decade ago. markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/ap…
#Google can’t be bothered to name new #Android system each year. But truth is, their users don’t care because they won’t have it until 2019!
#Google can’t be bothered to name new #Android system each year. But truth is, their users don’t care because they won’t have it until 2019!
RT @stephen_wolfram: A New Kind of Science (15th anniversary today) just became free, open, and high-res on the web! https://t.co/KBtJtk8pA…
RT @stephen_wolfram: A New Kind of Science (15th anniversary today) just became free, open, and high-res on the web! https://t.co/KBtJtk8pA…
Really? https://twitter.com/mashable/status/864108632308195331
Really? Fashion of the future! https://t.co/AQAb3YW7At — Mashable (@mashable) May 15, 2017