With the price range of #Bitcoin today, the secret founder is worth over $10 billion. He took nearly a million coins before disappearing. qz.com/1107843/bitcoi…
#ApplePay UX with #FaceID is not as smooth as with #TouchID. Double click the button to start payment is not as intuitive as before.
#ApplePay UX with #FaceID is not as smooth as with #TouchID. Double click the button to start payment is not as intuitive as before.
#Apple is releasing too many bugs, bad bugs in latest #iOS and #macOS. My iPhone stopped working, endless looping every 2-3 minutes, and hard to update to 11.2 with the bug. theverge.com/2017/12/2/1672…
#Apple is releasing too many bugs, bad bugs in latest #iOS and #macOS. My iPhone stopped working, endless looping every 2-3 minutes, and hard to update to 11.2 with the…
That’s exactly what #China did. It doesn’t stop everyone, but at least the risk takers will only have themselves to blame when #Bitcoin drops back to $1-2k or so. money.cnn.com/2017/12/01/inv…
That’s exactly what #China did. It doesn’t stop everyone, but at least the risk takers will only have themselves to blame when #Bitcoin drops back to $1-2k or so. money.cnn.com/2017/12/01/inv…
#Amazon AWS is not just trying to win on price now, but giving away more tools and services helping developers to code better apps. techcrunch.com/2017/11/30/ama…
#Amazon AWS is not just trying to win on price now, but giving away more tools and services helping developers to code better apps. techcrunch.com/2017/11/30/ama…
#Apple will continue to build a more complete SoC, using AI across the whole system to improve user experience. reuters.com/article/us-app…
#Apple will continue to build a more complete SoC, using AI across the whole system to improve user experience. reuters.com/article/us-app…
Should companies allow Amazon or others to listen in to their business meetings? venturebeat.com/2017/11/30/ama…
Should companies allow Amazon or others to listen in to their business meetings? venturebeat.com/2017/11/30/ama…
Did Chinese government make a smart move to stop the public from trading #Bitcoin since end of October? We will know soon. dailydot.com/debug/bitcoin-…
Did Chinese government make a smart move to stop the public from trading #Bitcoin since end of October? We will know soon. dailydot.com/debug/bitcoin-…
Still haven’t seen anyone declaring #iPhoneX as the clear winner of 2017. pocketnow.com/2017/11/29/app…
Still haven’t seen anyone declaring #iPhoneX as the clear winner of 2017. pocketnow.com/2017/11/29/app…
It’s not about being unhackable, but better security than #TouchID. These videos are helping to prove how much more difficult it is to trick #FaceID. dailydot.com/debug/face-id-…
It’s not about being unhackable, but better security than #TouchID. These videos are helping to prove how much more difficult it is to trick #FaceID. dailydot.com/debug/face-id-…