
eplt tech blog

Does it mean your building security guard should have got your explicit consent to look at your face to train to recognize and open the door for you? And tell guard of the next shift that you can be trusted? How about your dog recognizing you? #AI theverge.com/2019/3/12/1826…

Does it mean your building security guard should have got your explicit consent to look at your face to train to recognize and open the door for you? And tell…

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#Facebook focusing on privacy, is it for users benefits or to avoid legal scrutiny? Will it solve the problem of spreading fake news and misleading the public? And who will be taking responsibility with less auditability? Smart move Zuckerberg. theverge.com/2019/3/9/18257…

#Facebook focusing on privacy, is it for users benefits or to avoid legal scrutiny? Will it solve the problem of spreading fake news and misleading the public? And who will…

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