Backup your #Gmail, can delete some old emails and stay under the quota limit.
Will #Twitter ever decide to remove 140chars restriction as we are not in dumb-mobile-SMS age. Not saying that being concise is bad.
Will #Twitter ever decide to remove 140chars restriction as we are not in dumb-mobile-SMS age. Not saying that being concise is bad.
#ConspiracyTheory: Elon will keep talking about hyperloops and tunnels, to get Chinese to believe in it and waste trillions doing it.
#ConspiracyTheory: Elon will keep talking about hyperloops and tunnels, to get Chinese to believe in it and waste trillions doing it. Just received verbal govt approval for The Boring Company…
#GoogleDuo is getting more and more “similar” to #FaceTime.…
#GoogleDuo is getting more and more “similar” to #FaceTime.…
It’s time to ditch #Smartsheet and try out #Basecamp.
It’s time to ditch #Smartsheet and try out #Basecamp.
@Smartsheet has locked out my account for 2 days now, still no support to unlock it. This is how they treat paid users! $500 a year!
@Smartsheet has locked out my account for 2 days now, still no support to unlock it. This is how they treat paid users! $500 a year!
Yep! And it is great!
Yep! And it is great!
Too many #Android phones not using #GooglePlay.
Too many #Android phones not using #GooglePlay. Google takes on Android malware head-on with Play Protect — TNW (@thenextweb) July 20, 2017
Should a business SasS provider lock out a paying customer for any billing issues? I am paying for the locked out period too! @Smartsheet
Should a business SasS provider lock out a paying customer for any billing issues? I am paying for the locked out period too! @Smartsheet
Do you trust #Google not to scan through your files to push more ads to you?
Do you trust #Google not to scan through your files to push more ads to you? Google's backup and sync app makes saving all of your data much, much easier….