#Uber is choosing to use #Slack again after 3-4 years trying to build their own based on #Mattermost. But how long will it last this time? archyworldys.com/uber-is-deploy…
Mac users can easily learn how to code using #SwiftPlaygrounds, now on #iPad and #Mac. apps.apple.com/us/app/swift-p…
Mac users can easily learn how to code using #SwiftPlaygrounds, now on #iPad and #Mac. apps.apple.com/us/app/swift-p…
It’s not like in movies and tv shows, #bitcoin transactions are all traceable and open to public viewing. No account name on blockchain, but if you cash it out to the real world, you can trace it. zdnet.com/article/ohio-m…
It’s not like in movies and tv shows, #bitcoin transactions are all traceable and open to public viewing. No account name on blockchain, but if you cash it out to…
Will #IBM end up buying #Slack? marketwatch.com/story/slack-sa…
Will #IBM end up buying #Slack? marketwatch.com/story/slack-sa…
I don’t care if it is #ApplePay or not, but we are pushing ahead with cardless, cashless, keyless, etc, eventually mobileless. mactrast.com/2020/02/apple-…
I don’t care if it is #ApplePay or not, but we are pushing ahead with cardless, cashless, keyless, etc, eventually mobileless. mactrast.com/2020/02/apple-…
Free #Python course from NSA, no backdoors? :) zdnet.com/article/python…
Free #Python course from NSA, no backdoors? 🙂 zdnet.com/article/python…
I won’t say never a flip phone again, just waiting for a flipping #iPhone. ign.com/articles/samsu…
I won’t say never a flip phone again, just waiting for a flipping #iPhone. ign.com/articles/samsu…
Apple #Lightning connector is not the big issue for the industry! It’s #USB-A, just think about how much time you have wasted ALWAYS getting it wrong first time, only to realise the right way on 3rd attempt. Doh! :) reuters.com/article/us-eu-…
Apple #Lightning connector is not the big issue for the industry! It’s #USB-A, just think about how much time you have wasted ALWAYS getting it wrong first time, only to…
Microsoft #Office365 is better than Google #gsuite. 9to5mac.com/2020/02/01/g-s…
Microsoft #Office365 is better than Google #gsuite. 9to5mac.com/2020/02/01/g-s…
Is the #AI fight just between #Google and #Facebook? venturebeat.com/2020/01/30/ope…
Is the #AI fight just between #Google and #Facebook? venturebeat.com/2020/01/30/ope…