(Updated on 20240214) Just keeping a list of apps I (and my dev team) use on Mac/iOS regularly. Most of them are free apps. Started with 20, but the list…
Simple solution. Stop selling ads until you are capable or face heavy penalties like all other regulated ads selling media organisations. #Facebook businessinsider.com/facebook-shery…
Simple solution. Stop selling ads until you are capable or face heavy penalties like all other regulated ads selling media organisations. #Facebook businessinsider.com/facebook-shery…
Can #NASA, NSA, CIA be cool for innovative space and spy techs again? :) cnet.com/news/eric-schm…
Can #NASA, NSA, CIA be cool for innovative space and spy techs again? 🙂 cnet.com/news/eric-schm…
Analyse the #covid_19 data by yourself. Just download the CSV and import into Excel. github.com/CSSEGISandData… pic.twitter.com/62tCWyJUp9
Analyse the #covid_19 data by yourself. Just download the CSV and import into Excel. github.com/CSSEGISandData… pic.twitter.com/62tCWyJUp9
Not against #Chrome as such, but #Brave is essentially the same browser, ads free, pays you if you choose to view ads, or use the tokens to tip any websites to keep them in business. brave.com/evo471
Not against #Chrome as such, but #Brave is essentially the same browser, ads free, pays you if you choose to view ads, or use the tokens to tip any websites…
Will #Chromium browser market be as fragmented as Android? #Chrome is the best user tracking tool for Google! inc.com/jason-aten/goo…
Will #Chromium browser market be as fragmented as Android? #Chrome is the best user tracking tool for Google! inc.com/jason-aten/goo…
This is a handy feature to quickly jot down something on your #iPhone. macrumors.com/how-to/set-up-…
This is a handy feature to quickly jot down something on your #iPhone. macrumors.com/how-to/set-up-…
New blog. Using WordPress again.
Unlike most developers, I don’t hate PHP. Not that I don’t want to move on to something newer, but my new site is hosted on Cyberpanel, which has WordPress installer…
Round was boring, common mechanical watches optimised for hands, gears and power spring. So rectangular mechanical watches used to be cool and different. Now is the other way around. :) #AppleWatch tomsguide.com/news/apple-wat…
Round was boring, common mechanical watches optimised for hands, gears and power spring. So rectangular mechanical watches used to be cool and different. Now is the other way around. 🙂…
I don’t need #Apple branded over-ear headphones, just need the new #BeatsStudioPro. theverge.com/2020/2/24/2115…
I don’t need #Apple branded over-ear headphones, just need the new #BeatsStudioPro. theverge.com/2020/2/24/2115…