#WWDC2022 Wishlist: I am still waiting for #Safari to have some kind of api for editing bookmarks and reading list. Make it system-wide so all browsers can share it.
#WWDC2022 Wishlist: Fixing #iCloud sync issues and open up #Safari bookmark sync for other browsers and platforms. macreports.com/safari-icloud-…
#WWDC2022 Wishlist: Fixing #iCloud sync issues and open up #Safari bookmark sync for other browsers and platforms. macreports.com/safari-icloud-…
It’s good that #chrome is competing with #safari. But oddly, that’s probably why I don’t want everything to be #chromium based. :) blog.chromium.org/search/label/t…
It’s good that #chrome is competing with #safari. But oddly, that’s probably why I don’t want everything to be #chromium based. 🙂 blog.chromium.org/search/label/t…
When was the last time you ran your own benchmarking tool to see which browser runs fastest on your computer? On mine, #Safari, #Edge, #Chrome, #Brave, in that order. browserbench.org/JetStream/
When was the last time you ran your own benchmarking tool to see which browser runs fastest on your computer? On mine, #Safari, #Edge, #Chrome, #Brave, in that order. browserbench.org/JetStream/
Back in 2003 when #SteveJobs first introduced #Safari, he said they built it for speed. Just ran a test, same machine on Brave and Safari, 44.6 runs/min vs 68.3 runs/min. Safari is still fast. browserbench.org/Speedometer2.0/
Back in 2003 when #SteveJobs first introduced #Safari, he said they built it for speed. Just ran a test, same machine on Brave and Safari, 44.6 runs/min vs 68.3 runs/min….
I actually like the new #Safari compact tab layout UI because it is different to most #Chromium browsers. Good for focusing on just the content. daringfireball.net/2021/10/the_tr…
I actually like the new #Safari compact tab layout UI because it is different to most #Chromium browsers. Good for focusing on just the content. daringfireball.net/2021/10/the_tr…
I actually like the new compact tab layout in the new #Safari 15. And the tab group feature is very useful for doing research too, can easily bookmark all tabs into new folder. pic.twitter.com/LZay3sVtPD
I actually like the new compact tab layout in the new #Safari 15. And the tab group feature is very useful for doing research too, can easily bookmark all tabs…
Still annoying that #Safari can’t have direct HEIC support. caniuse.com/?search=heif
Still annoying that #Safari can’t have direct HEIC support. caniuse.com/?search=heif
I will stay with #Safari Technology Preview 126, Tab Group seems to be removed in 127. developer.apple.com/safari/downloa…
I will stay with #Safari Technology Preview 126, Tab Group seems to be removed in 127. developer.apple.com/safari/downloa…
You can start playing around with Tab Groups using #Safari Technology Preview. It’s cool. developer.apple.com/safari/technol…
You can start playing around with Tab Groups using #Safari Technology Preview. It’s cool. developer.apple.com/safari/technol…