What’s the point of a penalty if it doesn’t deter #Facebook to violate user #privacy again? It seems more like a well considered cost of doing business for them. techcrunch.com/2019/04/24/fac…
It is a cat and mouse game. But it can push irrational human lawmakers to side with law enforcement to start changing the rules? #Apple #Privacy geeky-gadgets.com/apples-ios-11-…
It is a cat and mouse game. But it can push irrational human lawmakers to side with law enforcement to start changing the rules? #Apple #Privacy geeky-gadgets.com/apples-ios-11-…
Do you trust #Facebook that they won’t use data collected for better advertising after kids turn 13? #privacy bbc.com/news/technolog…
Do you trust #Facebook that they won’t use data collected for better advertising after kids turn 13? #privacy bbc.com/news/technolog…
It’s hard to expect teens to read terms and conditions. That’s what parents are for? #privacy bbc.com/news/technolog…
It’s hard to expect teens to read terms and conditions. That’s what parents are for? #privacy bbc.com/news/technolog…
It’s good to understand more about #privacy. Incognito isn’t that private. time.com/money/4935799/…
It’s good to understand more about #privacy. Incognito isn’t that private. time.com/money/4935799/…
#Apple redesigned #privacy information site for non-geeks. Expect all other big companies to follow. apple.com/privacy/
#Apple redesigned #privacy information site for non-geeks. Expect all other big companies to follow. apple.com/privacy/
Need to change expectation on #privacy. Social Security number isn’t private data, just more precise than your name. techcrunch.com/2017/09/25/exp…
Need to change expectation on #privacy. Social Security number isn’t private data, just more precise than your name. techcrunch.com/2017/09/25/exp…
When we will all have end-to-end encrypted emails? #encryption #privacy arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20…
When we will all have end-to-end encrypted emails? #encryption #privacy arstechnica.com/tech-policy/20…
#Privacy concerns? Now you know if your neighbors got home late last night? engadget.com/2017/09/20/nes…
#Privacy concerns? Now you know if your neighbors got home late last night? engadget.com/2017/09/20/nes…
If you think a passcode really gave you legal protection, think again. #Security #Privacy theverge.com/2017/9/12/1629…
If you think a passcode really gave you legal protection, think again. #Security #Privacy theverge.com/2017/9/12/1629…