
eplt tech blog

Should #Facebook open up their social networking platform to allow other default features or apps like Photos, Events, Pages? Wow, Phones shouldn’t ship with a default Contacts app? #MarkZuckerberg is getting desperate. theinformation.com/articles/faceb…

Should #Facebook open up their social networking platform to allow other default features or apps like Photos, Events, Pages? Wow, Phones shouldn’t ship with a default Contacts app? #MarkZuckerberg is…

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Privacy is a joke for #Facebook. #MarkZuckerberg announced new focus on keeping less data about users and more end-to-end encryption. Will be a good excuse in the future to say “i don’t know. it’s not my fault”? mashable.com/article/mark-z…

Privacy is a joke for #Facebook. #MarkZuckerberg announced new focus on keeping less data about users and more end-to-end encryption. Will be a good excuse in the future to say…

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The funny part is, why does #MarkZuckerberg think he can pick and choose regulations which are compatible with #Facebook’s business model of selling user privacy based advertising? facebook.com/4/posts/101070…

The funny part is, why does #MarkZuckerberg think he can pick and choose regulations which are compatible with #Facebook‘s business model of selling user privacy based advertising? facebook.com/4/posts/101070…

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It’s smart to reference Sony hack in 2014 as a reason to proactively delete emails. As if we can forget all silly emails #MarkZuckerberg sent during #Facebook startup which cost him millions in settlements. Just watch the movie! techcrunch.com/2018/04/05/zuc…

It’s smart to reference Sony hack in 2014 as a reason to proactively delete emails. As if we can forget all silly emails #MarkZuckerberg sent during #Facebook startup which cost…

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