
eplt tech blog

Even #Google can’t pull it off after buying #Fitbit, how will #Facebook do it? Give it away for free? Pay users to wear it? Can they avoid linking to smartphones and directly create a new IoT and wearable platform on top of Facebook? theinformation.com/articles/faceb…

Even #Google can’t pull it off after buying #Fitbit, how will #Facebook do it? Give it away for free? Pay users to wear it? Can they avoid linking to smartphones…

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Why tech giants need to be regulated? These kind of “free” offerings strategy stopped other startups getting into the market, until they starved off all competitors and grew “too big”, then start charging. #Google cnet.com/news/google-ph…

Why tech giants need to be regulated? These kind of “free” offerings strategy stopped other startups getting into the market, until they starved off all competitors and grew “too big”,…

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