It’s hard to say that users have no choice. They chose to use #Google, #Chrome, #Android, etc.…
Can #Oath challenge #Google or #Facebook for web advertising eyeball shares?…
Can #Oath challenge #Google or #Facebook for web advertising eyeball shares?…
Guess it is not too late for #Google to learn about making their own silicon. Fight with #Samsung and #Huawei. #SoC…
Guess it is not too late for #Google to learn about making their own silicon. Fight with #Samsung and #Huawei. #SoC…
#WWDC2017 Wishlist: #Google won’t be the only one showing off indoor mapping solutions. Can #Apple extend homekit and iBeacon for that?
#WWDC2017 Wishlist: #Google won’t be the only one showing off indoor mapping solutions. Can #Apple extend homekit and iBeacon for that?
#Apple won’t try to sell you #AI, that’s a scary topic and they are good at marketing. They talk about #Siri, only #Google refuse to learn.
#Apple won’t try to sell you #AI, that’s a scary topic and they are good at marketing. They talk about #Siri, only #Google refuse to learn.
If #Google really wants to block ads, it is very easy. Just stop selling ads.…
If #Google really wants to block ads, it is very easy. Just stop selling ads.…
#Google can’t afford 500 hours and $100,000 to hand over this data? And we still think they are not evil?…
#Google can’t afford 500 hours and $100,000 to hand over this data? And we still think they are not evil?…
No longer “Don’t be evil”. #Google…
No longer “Don’t be evil”. #Google…
#Google is so good at fragmenting (or just complicating) their own market, rather than pushing for best solution.…
#Google is so good at fragmenting (or just complicating) their own market, rather than pushing for best solution.…
#Google can’t be bothered to name new #Android system each year. But truth is, their users don’t care because they won’t have it until 2019!
#Google can’t be bothered to name new #Android system each year. But truth is, their users don’t care because they won’t have it until 2019!