If anyone can crack such vision-based search, will be #Google. All the years building up #Streetview and Google Images. techcrunch.com/2017/10/17/goo…
Will #Google license out #Pixel Visual Core so all #Android phones can take better pictures? Or take long fight to all device partners? thenextweb.com/google/2017/10…
Will #Google license out #Pixel Visual Core so all #Android phones can take better pictures? Or take long fight to all device partners? thenextweb.com/google/2017/10…
Read it another way, #Google now knows if you are a pet owner and sell such info to pet shops to spam you daily. zdnet.com/article/google…
Read it another way, #Google now knows if you are a pet owner and sell such info to pet shops to spam you daily. zdnet.com/article/google…
#Google updated Security Checkup feature to prompt users to fix #security issues. engadget.com/2017/10/16/goo…
#Google updated Security Checkup feature to prompt users to fix #security issues. engadget.com/2017/10/16/goo…
Nice try #Google! Ended up dropping price to match with #Apple again. androidpolice.com/2017/10/13/goo…
Nice try #Google! Ended up dropping price to match with #Apple again. androidpolice.com/2017/10/13/goo…
It’s good that #Apple and #Amazon can finally play nice. Is it because #Google is catching up too fast? digitaltrends.com/home-theater/a…
It’s good that #Apple and #Amazon can finally play nice. Is it because #Google is catching up too fast? digitaltrends.com/home-theater/a…
#Apple, #Microsoft and #Google all pushing education. What will it be like for #Facebook and Amazon? axios.com/google-announc…
#Apple, #Microsoft and #Google all pushing education. What will it be like for #Facebook and Amazon? axios.com/google-announc…
#Microsoft and #Amazon pushing Gluon for #machinelearning will be a very strong competitor to #Google #TensorFlow. venturebeat.com/2017/10/12/mic…
#Microsoft and #Amazon pushing Gluon for #machinelearning will be a very strong competitor to #Google #TensorFlow. venturebeat.com/2017/10/12/mic…
#Google is getting better at product design, #HTC team will push it further. Still far behind #Samsung and #Apple. theoutline.com/post/2388/goog…
#Google is getting better at product design, #HTC team will push it further. Still far behind #Samsung and #Apple. theoutline.com/post/2388/goog…
Can #Google beat #Amazon on ecommerce? Maybe. Can Amazon beat Google on search? No. dailydot.com/debug/google-e…
Can #Google beat #Amazon on ecommerce? Maybe. Can Amazon beat Google on search? No. dailydot.com/debug/google-e…