#Facebook users are very loyal to the only choice of social networking. Surprising? cnet.com/news/most-face…
Do you really want your full dating history, with all whatapp and messenger messages, photos and locations stored on #Facebook forever? How about the full list of people you have a crush on? #DeleteFacebookNow cnet.com/g00/videos/hig…
Do you really want your full dating history, with all whatapp and messenger messages, photos and locations stored on #Facebook forever? How about the full list of people you have…
Selling out an election might not be that destructive afterall. How about selling out the institution of marriage? You have been feeding #Facebook data for a much better version of Ashley Madison. theverge.com/2018/5/1/17308…
Selling out an election might not be that destructive afterall. How about selling out the institution of marriage? You have been feeding #Facebook data for a much better version of…
What’s if one day, all ads by #Google and #Facebook are magically placed at your comfortable viewing and clicking position within the top search results AI recommended by the secret formula? Who can audit or rule on such bias? theverge.com/2018/4/28/1729…
What’s if one day, all ads by #Google and #Facebook are magically placed at your comfortable viewing and clicking position within the top search results AI recommended by the secret…
Well played. Strong opening with a clear apology. Then focus on blaming all on a foreign company and a foreign country. #Facebook will still be the main platform to sell targeted political ads for the next US election. cnet.com/news/zuckerber…
Well played. Strong opening with a clear apology. Then focus on blaming all on a foreign company and a foreign country. #Facebook will still be the main platform to sell…
#Facebook hits back at #TimCook quoting #JeffBezos “Those that work to try to charge more and those that work to charge less.” Mark Zuckerberg knows he has highest profit margin in FAANMG. Nearly double of Apple! money.cnn.com/2018/04/02/tec…
#Facebook hits back at #TimCook quoting #JeffBezos “Those that work to try to charge more and those that work to charge less.” Mark Zuckerberg knows he has highest profit margin…
It’s smart to reference Sony hack in 2014 as a reason to proactively delete emails. As if we can forget all silly emails #MarkZuckerberg sent during #Facebook startup which cost him millions in settlements. Just watch the movie! techcrunch.com/2018/04/05/zuc…
It’s smart to reference Sony hack in 2014 as a reason to proactively delete emails. As if we can forget all silly emails #MarkZuckerberg sent during #Facebook startup which cost…
When #Facebook can’t be trusted with user data, we can trust them to audit others for data breach? apnewsarchive.com/2018/Facebook-…
When #Facebook can’t be trusted with user data, we can trust them to audit others for data breach? apnewsarchive.com/2018/Facebook-…
So #Facebook Sandberg was kind of saying, you got what you paid for? Or not selling data meant, they don’t charge for data to 3rd party to drive up usage, they just charge for ads displayed to users. nbcnews.com/tech/social-me…
So #Facebook Sandberg was kind of saying, you got what you paid for? Or not selling data meant, they don’t charge for data to 3rd party to drive up usage,…
Companies are here to make money. The ethical line is assumed and ever-changing. Not saying that #Facebook can’t do better, but users are still “buying” and “paying” with usage data. cnet.com/news/after-lea…
Companies are here to make money. The ethical line is assumed and ever-changing. Not saying that #Facebook can’t do better, but users are still “buying” and “paying” with usage data….