Can #Facebook try to crack this and embarrass #Apple instead of going to court? It’s more fun.…
It’s easy to pick the largest company, lifestyle or technology, and say you want to be better. Will you bet on #Intel becoming bigger or better than #Apple?…
It’s easy to pick the largest company, lifestyle or technology, and say you want to be better. Will you bet on #Intel becoming bigger or better than #Apple?…
Let’s hope that #Apple won’t ever use CR2032 batteries again. Last time was in Apple TV remote control long ago. Most people don’t stock batteries at home and too lazy to order and change batteries in small gadgets. #AirTag should be always on.
Let’s hope that #Apple won’t ever use CR2032 batteries again. Last time was in Apple TV remote control long ago. Most people don’t stock batteries at home and too lazy…
#Samsung “beating” #Apple AirTag? With Bluetooth 5 (BLE) Beacons which you can easily source from alibaba for around 4 bucks each? Ultra-Wideband is about directional indoor locations, not just a better range iBeacons which failed.…
#Samsung “beating” #Apple AirTag? With Bluetooth 5 (BLE) Beacons which you can easily source from alibaba for around 4 bucks each? Ultra-Wideband is about directional indoor locations, not just a…
Waiting for 16 inch #Apple Silicon MacBook Pro 32GB RAM in 2021 before trying out iOS apps on Big Sur.…
Waiting for 16 inch #Apple Silicon MacBook Pro 32GB RAM in 2021 before trying out iOS apps on Big Sur.…
Might be just me, but #macOSBigSur Text-to-Speech seems to be more choppy. Can’t read long articles out smoothly anymore. Very annoying. #Apple
Might be just me, but #macOSBigSur Text-to-Speech seems to be more choppy. Can’t read long articles out smoothly anymore. Very annoying. #Apple
#Apple should support this, even if it is just secretly. If they can get #Linux running properly, can change the server market.
#Apple should support this, even if it is just secretly. If they can get #Linux running properly, can change the server market.
Opening up the hardware can be good for #Apple too, hackers can help to find all exploits and drive towards more secure designs, etc. Apple won’t lose all control of the ecosystem as such, but controlling macOS usage via iCloud. Kind of like #Chromebook.…
Opening up the hardware can be good for #Apple too, hackers can help to find all exploits and drive towards more secure designs, etc. Apple won’t lose all control of…
Innovators won’t just wait around for others, they want to be in control to push things along. #Apple…
Innovators won’t just wait around for others, they want to be in control to push things along. #Apple…
Easy to keep getting hung up on #USB-C for iPhone. #Apple is the primary driver of USB-C adoption. USB-C is not just a charger.…
Easy to keep getting hung up on #USB-C for iPhone. #Apple is the primary driver of USB-C adoption. USB-C is not just a charger.…