We all know that it was a smart move by #Nvidia to allow easy bypass of GPU mining locks. What’s next? #Crypto won’t be needing PoW power soon and big…
People who understand #AI don’t really talk about the Turing test anymore. That’s so 1950s. :) fortune.com/2022/06/14/bla…
People who understand #AI don’t really talk about the Turing test anymore. That’s so 1950s. 🙂 fortune.com/2022/06/14/bla…
People who understand #AI don’t really talk about the Turing test anymore. That’s so 1950s. :) fortune.com/2022/06/14/bla…
People who understand #AI don’t really talk about the Turing test anymore. That’s so 1950s. 🙂 fortune.com/2022/06/14/bla…
We certainly need more thoughts on #AI biases. Extending known unfairness might be bad, but accurately inventing many new criteria for selection might be even worse. boston.com/news/health/20…
We certainly need more thoughts on #AI biases. Extending known unfairness might be bad, but accurately inventing many new criteria for selection might be even worse. boston.com/news/health/20…
$44bn for #twitter is cheap for #ElonMusk. Probably 3rd best marketing dataset ever. Imagine using #AI to target millions who might want to buy #Tesla or thousands who can afford #SpaceX trips. bbc.com/news/business-…
$44bn for #twitter is cheap for #ElonMusk. Probably 3rd best marketing dataset ever. Imagine using #AI to target millions who might want to buy #Tesla or thousands who can afford…
#MySQL is alive and well (so is Java). It’s great that #Oracle wants to push new #AI features, even if you have to pay for them. venturebeat.com/2022/04/01/ora…
#MySQL is alive and well (so is Java). It’s great that #Oracle wants to push new #AI features, even if you have to pay for them. venturebeat.com/2022/04/01/ora…
38% started to wonder why go to office everyday, #AI will help to confirm the answer as they get replaced. zdnet.com/article/micros…
38% started to wonder why go to office everyday, #AI will help to confirm the answer as they get replaced. zdnet.com/article/micros…
Won’t be long before #AI music becomes the norm and every musician ‘feels robbed’. bbc.com/news/entertain…
Won’t be long before #AI music becomes the norm and every musician ‘feels robbed’. bbc.com/news/entertain…
#AI might be able to help us rewrite our history too. :) classicfm.com/discover-music…
#AI might be able to help us rewrite our history too. 🙂 classicfm.com/discover-music…
#AI predicted a 4% chance of Nadal to beat Medvedev and was right, he had a chance and took it. It was not zero. :) forbes.com/sites/arunshas…
#AI predicted a 4% chance of Nadal to beat Medvedev and was right, he had a chance and took it. It was not zero. 🙂 forbes.com/sites/arunshas…