#GitHub Copilot is not just about making coding easier and fun. #AI venturebeat.com/programming-de…
#AI is getting better and will continue to improve until human can’t even tell how good it is. :) nytimes.com/2022/08/24/tec…
#AI is getting better and will continue to improve until human can’t even tell how good it is. 🙂 nytimes.com/2022/08/24/tec…
Mind reading with #AI and MRI scans. When will it be able to extract or edit memories like in Total Recall? 🤣 dailymail.co.uk/health/article…
Mind reading with #AI and MRI scans. When will it be able to extract or edit memories like in Total Recall? 🤣 dailymail.co.uk/health/article…
Are you sure that #MarkZuckerberg is giving away the best #AI chatbot he built? vox.com/future-perfect…
Are you sure that #MarkZuckerberg is giving away the best #AI chatbot he built? vox.com/future-perfect…
Play around with GFP-GAN to restore some old photos, try this link. #AI or just run it yourself with colab github.com/TencentARC/GFP… app.baseten.co/apps/QPp4nPE/o…
Play around with GFP-GAN to restore some old photos, try this link. #AI or just run it yourself with colab github.com/TencentARC/GFP… app.baseten.co/apps/QPp4nPE/o…
Another #AI GAN to restore photos. Try this with some of your old photos. Very impressive. Similar to what we do in our brain with old low res photos? petapixel.com/2022/07/28/gfp…
Another #AI GAN to restore photos. Try this with some of your old photos. Very impressive. Similar to what we do in our brain with old low res photos? petapixel.com/2022/07/28/gfp…
We all know about A/B Testing, but how many of us do that properly, when you write the title, pick featured photo, etc, you usually just choose what you think is the best. Maybe #AI can help in the future, just take our ideas and auto optimise it for every reader. pic.twitter.com/uyFcco0VgQ
We all know about A/B Testing, but how many of us do that properly, when you write the title, pick featured photo, etc, you usually just choose what you think…
Until fully tested in court, the ownership of #AI imagery can still be risky. But how about AI assisted art? venturebeat.com/2022/07/26/ope…
Until fully tested in court, the ownership of #AI imagery can still be risky. But how about AI assisted art? venturebeat.com/2022/07/26/ope…
Don’t mess with #AI enabled #robots. They will win, regardless. (It’s hard to avoid so many insensitive jokes.🤪) bbc.com/news/world-eur…
Don’t mess with #AI enabled #robots. They will win, regardless. (It’s hard to avoid so many insensitive jokes.🤪) bbc.com/news/world-eur…
Haven’t even heard of Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) before this, good PR for them? No one ever said that #AI will be fair, only tech giants can afford to train these large models (BFM🤣). thenextweb.com/news/github-co…
Haven’t even heard of Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) before this, good PR for them? No one ever said that #AI will be fair, only tech giants can afford to train…