Elon knows clearly that #Tesla competitors are not just relying on Lidar. It is hard to agree that more data, including info that humans can’t easily detect, won’t help in…
Current state of #AI still needs a lot human input. At best, can be seen as like a young teenager, still need quite a lot of handling to be set on the right path. bbc.com/news/technolog…
Current state of #AI still needs a lot human input. At best, can be seen as like a young teenager, still need quite a lot of handling to be set…
Will governments step in to regulate #AI? inc.com/business-insid…
Will governments step in to regulate #AI? inc.com/business-insid…
#Blockchain and #AI are still hot topics in 2019. technologyreview.com/s/613247/ventu…
#Blockchain and #AI are still hot topics in 2019. technologyreview.com/s/613247/ventu…
You know #AI is coming, when will you start to learn about it? inc.com/peter-economy/…
You know #AI is coming, when will you start to learn about it? inc.com/peter-economy/…
Does it mean your building security guard should have got your explicit consent to look at your face to train to recognize and open the door for you? And tell guard of the next shift that you can be trusted? How about your dog recognizing you? #AI theverge.com/2019/3/12/1826…
Does it mean your building security guard should have got your explicit consent to look at your face to train to recognize and open the door for you? And tell…
“Dangerous” #AI. Yes, it might help to trick us to read for hours and hours of randomly generated text. Killing productivity. Will it balance out the excess hours from job losses? techcrunch.com/2019/02/17/ope…
“Dangerous” #AI. Yes, it might help to trick us to read for hours and hours of randomly generated text. Killing productivity. Will it balance out the excess hours from job…
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” – Albert Einstein. In #AI era, how to define imagination? Ideas that are against “common” knowledge and logic? What’s if we are not smart enough to recognise such imagination?
“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” – Albert Einstein. In #AI era, how to define imagination? Ideas that are against “common” knowledge and logic? What’s if…
Do you trust #Google enough? Do you think their #AI or other tech won’t be used by government or military in the future? zdnet.com/article/google…
Do you trust #Google enough? Do you think their #AI or other tech won’t be used by government or military in the future? zdnet.com/article/google…
#AI is applied computing, not pure computing. Or is that too broad a statement? theconversation.com/why-ai-cant-so…
#AI is applied computing, not pure computing. Or is that too broad a statement? theconversation.com/why-ai-cant-so…