Assuming that #AI will one day be unbiased and ethical, what will we do with humans not strictly abiding to it?…
Data & #AI Landscape 2020. Useful chart to keep.…
Data & #AI Landscape 2020. Useful chart to keep.…
Photos edited with #AI-powered Neural Filter by Adobe are socially acceptable Professional #Deepfakes?…
Photos edited with #AI-powered Neural Filter by Adobe are socially acceptable Professional #Deepfakes?…
You won’t be able to get a phone without #5G in a few years. All capable of HD AR video conferencing with your IoT fridge #AI agent selling you a pint of milk.…
You won’t be able to get a phone without #5G in a few years. All capable of HD AR video conferencing with your IoT fridge #AI agent selling you a…
“Less than one”-shot (LO-shot) learning. Next gen #AI will need less data and processing power.…
“Less than one”-shot (LO-shot) learning. Next gen #AI will need less data and processing power.…
A good short project to play around with. Do it with #crypto exchanges and 24/7 trading. Just use it as a simulator, can be cheaper than hiring a junior analyst with better results. #AI…
A good short project to play around with. Do it with #crypto exchanges and 24/7 trading. Just use it as a simulator, can be cheaper than hiring a junior analyst…
Do we need any more #deepfake ideas? 😅 #AI…
Do we need any more #deepfake ideas? 😅 #AI…
How about starting each video conferencing session with a #FaceID-like setup process to get a simple high-res 3D mapping of your face? Maybe it can handle the whole call with #GPT3 too. #AI…
How about starting each video conferencing session with a #FaceID-like setup process to get a simple high-res 3D mapping of your face? Maybe it can handle the whole call with…
Why are we so scared of fake random text? Because they are not clearly labelled as fiction on bookshelves? #AI…
Why are we so scared of fake random text? Because they are not clearly labelled as fiction on bookshelves? #AI…
Interesting way to split up #AI personalization models training load. AI 2.0 will focus on optimisation?…
Interesting way to split up #AI personalization models training load. AI 2.0 will focus on optimisation?…