
eplt tech blog

Not easy for companies to design a full system that can’t be “leaked”. Copying gigabytes or even 10-20 terabytes can be done by any knowledgeable geek with consumer grade devices. #twitch #securitybreach theconversation.com/5-ways-twitchs…

Not easy for companies to design a full system that can’t be “leaked”. Copying gigabytes or even 10-20 terabytes can be done by any knowledgeable geek with consumer grade devices….

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It’s good to keep #crypto #bitcoin bubble going by not confirming. Once confirmed, no matter if it is deemed legal or not, can only limit upside. The price can’t just go up 10x easily. Crypto is at around 2 Trillion dollars now, US GDP around $22 trillion. cointelegraph.com/news/gensler-c…

It’s good to keep #crypto #bitcoin bubble going by not confirming. Once confirmed, no matter if it is deemed legal or not, can only limit upside. The price can’t just…

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