Maybe the point was about getting people to think about quadrillion. #crypto #shiba…
Not easy for companies to design a full system that can’t be “leaked”. Copying gigabytes or even 10-20 terabytes can be done by any knowledgeable geek with consumer grade devices. #twitch #securitybreach…
Not easy for companies to design a full system that can’t be “leaked”. Copying gigabytes or even 10-20 terabytes can be done by any knowledgeable geek with consumer grade devices….
It is a very difficult question for #crypto, do you really want to stay “untraceable” and linked with cybercrime? #bitcoin…
It is a very difficult question for #crypto, do you really want to stay “untraceable” and linked with cybercrime? #bitcoin…
Certainly bad for PR, but should #Facebook allow developers to actively develop tools against its core usage or features? It’s business.…
Certainly bad for PR, but should #Facebook allow developers to actively develop tools against its core usage or features? It’s business.…
What’s if they introduce a global 15% tax on all #crypto #bitcoin earnings?…
What’s if they introduce a global 15% tax on all #crypto #bitcoin earnings?…
A billion is not a lot in #crypto. #Bitcoin is worth a trillion virtual Tether USDT. Even Dogecoin is worth 30 billion.…
A billion is not a lot in #crypto. #Bitcoin is worth a trillion virtual Tether USDT. Even Dogecoin is worth 30 billion.…
Finally feeling the love from #GitHub. Dark-mode done, color-blindness mode can be next trend for all UI designs.
Finally feeling the love from #GitHub. Dark-mode done, color-blindness mode can be next trend for all UI designs.
#Mumble still works well. Mumble is a free, open source, low latency, high quality voice chat application. GuildBit is a free service to deploy temporary Mumble servers for up to 15 users.
#Mumble still works well. Mumble is a free, open source, low latency, high quality voice chat application. GuildBit is a free service to deploy temporary Mumble servers for up to…
It’s good to keep #crypto #bitcoin bubble going by not confirming. Once confirmed, no matter if it is deemed legal or not, can only limit upside. The price can’t just go up 10x easily. Crypto is at around 2 Trillion dollars now, US GDP around $22 trillion.…
It’s good to keep #crypto #bitcoin bubble going by not confirming. Once confirmed, no matter if it is deemed legal or not, can only limit upside. The price can’t just…
#Facebook is just a social media platform. Not for anything mission critical. 6 hours downtime is not too bad. Still 99.93% uptime. Not quite at banking level of 5-Nines.…
#Facebook is just a social media platform. Not for anything mission critical. 6 hours downtime is not too bad. Still 99.93% uptime. Not quite at banking level of 5-Nines. It…