With a typical laptop upgrade cycle of around 3-5 years. Still too early to count #Pixelbook retention rates. mashable.com/2017/10/04/goo…
#Google can afford to buy in content to fight with #Snapchat and #Instagram. recode.net/2017/10/4/1642…
#Google can afford to buy in content to fight with #Snapchat and #Instagram. recode.net/2017/10/4/1642…
#Google is smarter. Laugh at removal of headphone jack last year and now sells $20 dongle (apple’s cost $9). theverge.com/circuitbreaker…
#Google is smarter. Laugh at removal of headphone jack last year and now sells $20 dongle (apple’s cost $9). theverge.com/circuitbreaker…
Many #Android fans mocked #iPhone removal of audio jack and $159 #Airpods last year. It’s okay now. engadget.com/2017/10/04/goo…
Many #Android fans mocked #iPhone removal of audio jack and $159 #Airpods last year. It’s okay now. engadget.com/2017/10/04/goo…
#Google to build a prototype #SmartCity? With their record of abandoning projects, decide carefully to move in. cnet.com/news/alphabet-…
#Google to build a prototype #SmartCity? With their record of abandoning projects, decide carefully to move in. cnet.com/news/alphabet-…
#Blockchain might not be good as a currency yet, but can solve these national or global ID databases. dailydot.com/layer8/trump-r…
#Blockchain might not be good as a currency yet, but can solve these national or global ID databases. dailydot.com/layer8/trump-r…
Machine translation will eventually be solved perfectly. But how many times have you used #GoogleTranslate? futurism.com/googles-new-ea…
Machine translation will eventually be solved perfectly. But how many times have you used #GoogleTranslate? futurism.com/googles-new-ea…
I use #iPhone because it is a closed system where security isn’t an after-thought like #Android.
I use #iPhone because it is a closed system where security isn’t an after-thought like #Android.
Are we finally waking up to #DigitalSecurity needing to be proactive and preventative? informationweek.com/strategic-cio/…
Are we finally waking up to #DigitalSecurity needing to be proactive and preventative? informationweek.com/strategic-cio/…
#Siri can be confused. #AI is not perfect yet. Do you use #Google “I’m Feeling Lucky” result each time? mashable.com/2017/10/04/sir…
#Siri can be confused. #AI is not perfect yet. Do you use #Google “I’m Feeling Lucky” result each time? mashable.com/2017/10/04/sir…