I always find this kind of introductory offer a bit unfair to existing users. Can encourage them to switch over to other services and possibly never come back? elitedaily.com/p/spotifys-hol…
How interesting should a platform be? I use it daily without getting excited about it. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
How interesting should a platform be? I use it daily without getting excited about it. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
#Google and #Facebook are less terrifying? gizmodo.com/china-s-social…
#Google and #Facebook are less terrifying? gizmodo.com/china-s-social…
#Facebook, “a ruthless, self-concerned corporate behemoth”, new movie coming soon? wired.com/story/facebook…
#Facebook, “a ruthless, self-concerned corporate behemoth”, new movie coming soon? wired.com/story/facebook…
#Siri Co-founder got it right, if you can’t trust your smart assistant with your privacy, “don’t buy them”. bloomberg.com/news/videos/20…
#Siri Co-founder got it right, if you can’t trust your smart assistant with your privacy, “don’t buy them”. bloomberg.com/news/videos/20…
#Airpod is still selling well as #1 bluetooth headset. #Apple is in no rush to update it. forbes.com/sites/davidphe…
#Airpod is still selling well as #1 bluetooth headset. #Apple is in no rush to update it. forbes.com/sites/davidphe…
Still losing money to fight for market share. To get a bigger piece of the personal data pie. But only to find out that most daily commute data isn’t that valuable or exclusive. bloomberg.com/news/videos/20…
Still losing money to fight for market share. To get a bigger piece of the personal data pie. But only to find out that most daily commute data isn’t that…
When will we see the first bar using these bottle-flipping robots? youtube.com/watch?time_con…
When will we see the first bar using these bottle-flipping robots? youtube.com/watch?time_con…
Even #Microsoft tried to stop staff using iPods. And failed, of course. theverge.com/2018/11/14/180…
Even #Microsoft tried to stop staff using iPods. And failed, of course. theverge.com/2018/11/14/180…
IMF’s Lagarde says central banks could issue digital money bbc.co.uk/news/business-…
IMF’s Lagarde says central banks could issue digital money bbc.co.uk/news/business-…