
eplt tech blog

Not sure if it is the right time for #Netflix to be stingy about these when #DisneyPlus is catching up fast. My opinion is that as long as the total shared usage is less than the 24 hours each day, then it is fair play. Sharing video tapes was common too. cnbc.com/2021/03/11/net…

Not sure if it is the right time for #Netflix to be stingy about these when #DisneyPlus is catching up fast. My opinion is that as long as the total…

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We know that he is right. But it is hard to ignore the price of #Bitcoin for now. Still waiting for someone brave to pump billions into #Ethereum to surpass BTC for the first time. Show that it can be done and it will eventually be replaced, by value. entrepreneur.com/article/366892

We know that he is right. But it is hard to ignore the price of #Bitcoin for now. Still waiting for someone brave to pump billions into #Ethereum to surpass…

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