
eplt tech blog

#GitHubCopilot is great. Just got access to it and played around with some python code. Programming will never be the same again. Many AI coding products focus on generative part of the coding, but the adversarial part is much harder to do. #GitHubNext will be great at that. pic.twitter.com/MgyJ97ahsV

#GitHubCopilot is great. Just got access to it and played around with some python code. Programming will never be the same again. Many AI coding products focus on generative part…

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Maybe I still don’t trust #Facebook or #Meta. They didn’t say about forever deleting facial recognition #AI models built since 2011. Just that users won’t have access to this feature anymore. They don’t need “templates” to recognise you again. about.fb.com/news/2021/11/u…

Maybe I still don’t trust #Facebook or #Meta. They didn’t say about forever deleting facial recognition #AI models built since 2011. Just that users won’t have access to this feature…

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