#Google can’t afford 500 hours and $100,000 to hand over this data? And we still think they are not evil? recode.net/2017/5/26/1570…
I hope BA will tell us what happened. Single point of failure? Ransomware? Disaster recovery plans never tested? bbc.com/news/uk-400698…
I hope BA will tell us what happened. Single point of failure? Ransomware? Disaster recovery plans never tested? bbc.com/news/uk-400698…
Like #iPad stopped naming by version number when you can’t or shouldn’t do annual updates. Well done #Microsoft. microsoft.com/en-us/surface/…
Like #iPad stopped naming by version number when you can’t or shouldn’t do annual updates. Well done #Microsoft. microsoft.com/en-us/surface/…
No longer “Don’t be evil”. #Google cnet.com/news/google-ac…
No longer “Don’t be evil”. #Google cnet.com/news/google-ac…
Can #AI solve race discrimination? Do we need to code it to be unbiased? Or will learn from our big “bad” data? weforum.org/agenda/2017/05…
Can #AI solve race discrimination? Do we need to code it to be unbiased? Or will learn from our big “bad” data? weforum.org/agenda/2017/05…
Will she end up wearing #Nike or #Adidas? bbc.com/news/world-lat…
Will she end up wearing #Nike or #Adidas? bbc.com/news/world-lat…
It’s not Robot Cop! #Robocop! thenextweb.com/security/2017/…
It’s not Robot Cop! #Robocop! thenextweb.com/security/2017/…
Life is easy on other phones? #Android #WindowsMobile #Blackberry apple.com/switch/
Life is easy on other phones? #Android #WindowsMobile #Blackberry apple.com/switch/
‘Life’s not a movie, be patient’, good advice for #startups. bbc.com/news/av/busine…
‘Life’s not a movie, be patient’, good advice for #startups. bbc.com/news/av/busine…
“Banking is necessary, banks are not.” Extend this to other sectors. Education, Entertainment, Transportation, etc. capgemini-consulting.com/blog/customer-…
“Banking is necessary, banks are not.” Extend this to other sectors. Education, Entertainment, Transportation, etc. capgemini-consulting.com/blog/customer-…