Will #China be the first/biggest country to ban fossil fuel cars for pushing adoption of #electricvehicles? bloomberg.com/amp/news/artic…
#iPhone8, #iPhone8Plus and #iPhoneX. I still want an upgrade to #iPhoneSE. techcrunch.com/2017/09/09/and…
#iPhone8, #iPhone8Plus and #iPhoneX. I still want an upgrade to #iPhoneSE. techcrunch.com/2017/09/09/and…
It was a big announcement for #Fitbit, but it was already compatible with #iPhone and #AppleWatch. appleinsider.com/articles/17/09…
It was a big announcement for #Fitbit, but it was already compatible with #iPhone and #AppleWatch. appleinsider.com/articles/17/09…
Drop tests are boring. Show me if the #EssentialPhone can blend? #Blendtec cnet.com/news/essential…
Drop tests are boring. Show me if the #EssentialPhone can blend? #Blendtec cnet.com/news/essential…
In 10 years time, can we imagine biggest movie studios including names like #Amazon, #Netflix, #Apple and #Facebook? variety.com/2017/tv/news/a…
In 10 years time, can we imagine biggest movie studios including names like #Amazon, #Netflix, #Apple and #Facebook? variety.com/2017/tv/news/a…
RIP, Jerry Pournelle, a pioneer of tech journalism for the non-geeky. fastcompany.com/40465624/rip-j…
RIP, Jerry Pournelle, a pioneer of tech journalism for the non-geeky. fastcompany.com/40465624/rip-j…
It’s hard to explain something that is more intelligent than you. Conversely, it is hard for future #AI to explain things back to us. https://twitter.com/techreview/status/906681736695861251
It’s hard to explain something that is more intelligent than you. Conversely, it is hard for future #AI to explain things back to us. We need more than a glimpse…
#iPhoneX, X for experimental? :) https://twitter.com/SAI/status/906559623179722752
#iPhoneX, X for experimental? 🙂 All three colors of the iPhone X will have black front glass https://t.co/NqyU72syfk pic.twitter.com/VwQA0e3gWY — Business Insider Tech (@BITech) September 9, 2017
For most people, #smartphone is their primary computing platform. And $1000 a year, that’s 83 bucks a month, is not that bad. https://twitter.com/SAI/status/906487778724245504
For most people, #smartphone is their primary computing platform. And $1000 a year, that’s 83 bucks a month, is not that bad. Why I refuse to pay $1,000 for a…
Flagship #smartphones are now more expensive than average laptops and desktops. https://twitter.com/CNET/status/906483606310322177
Flagship #smartphones are now more expensive than average laptops and desktops. Are phones getting too expensive? Yep https://t.co/D4NBeUZMY2 pic.twitter.com/JNJwGYxNts — CNET (@CNET) September 9, 2017