
eplt tech blog

I am not a fan of the lightning port, I went totally wireless charging since #iPhone 11. But I don’t like governments limiting innovation. Will USB Type-C be the last connector we ever have for low voltage electronics? Really? europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-…

I am not a fan of the lightning port, I went totally wireless charging since #iPhone 11. But I don’t like governments limiting innovation. Will USB Type-C be the last…

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#WWDC22 feels less developer friendly without the fun video with coders to kick start the event. No 3rd party devs demo. The new format is very “professional” but getting boring. #Apple been trying too hard to use these sessions to show off team diversity rather than cool techs.

#WWDC22 feels less developer friendly without the fun video with coders to kick start the event. No 3rd party devs demo. The new format is very “professional” but getting boring….

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#WWDC2022 Wishlist: Apple AR/VR been hyped up for quite a few years now and it is coming. But what will the killer app/content be? Killer app for wearable watch is health and they nailed it. I am hoping that AR/VR is not just about games. How about fully tied in with AppleOne?

#WWDC2022 Wishlist: Apple AR/VR been hyped up for quite a few years now and it is coming. But what will the killer app/content be? Killer app for wearable watch is…

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#WWDC2022 Wishlist: #Xcode cloud will be released this year? Not saying that #Apple have problems with attracting developers with actual revenue, but even Microsoft is now loved by devs since VSCode/Github. Used to hate VS and Sourcesafe.

#WWDC2022 Wishlist: #Xcode cloud will be released this year? Not saying that #Apple have problems with attracting developers with actual revenue, but even Microsoft is now loved by devs since…

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