#Google cannot ignore #Amazon and will come up with something to fight Echo. But both might lose to #Homepod. mashable.com/2017/09/29/goo…
You can’t just do your own #security fully, need to be validated by others. We need more Kevin Mitnick stories? darkreading.com/risk/best-and-…
You can’t just do your own #security fully, need to be validated by others. We need more Kevin Mitnick stories? darkreading.com/risk/best-and-…
“Cramer: #AI is like steroids for business.” Now what are the side-effects? cnbc.com/2017/09/29/cra…
“Cramer: #AI is like steroids for business.” Now what are the side-effects? cnbc.com/2017/09/29/cra…
Understand a bit more about #fakenews and #botnets from Researcher Emilio Ferrara. Useful for #chatbot future. techcrunch.com/2017/09/29/res…
Understand a bit more about #fakenews and #botnets from Researcher Emilio Ferrara. Useful for #chatbot future. techcrunch.com/2017/09/29/res…
Chicago is great for insurance and fintech #startups. venturebeat.com/2017/09/29/chi…
Chicago is great for insurance and fintech #startups. venturebeat.com/2017/09/29/chi…
Using a #RaspberryPi as a AP and client at the same time to help with #IoT security. Smart hack. hackaday.com/2017/09/29/sim…
Using a #RaspberryPi as a AP and client at the same time to help with #IoT security. Smart hack. hackaday.com/2017/09/29/sim…
Ad school inside a #chatbot. Can it hold a good conversation to replace hours and hours of lectures? adweek.com/agencies/an-ad…
Ad school inside a #chatbot. Can it hold a good conversation to replace hours and hours of lectures? adweek.com/agencies/an-ad…
I am waiting for high quality #VR headsets to be a viable alternative to cinemas. venturebeat.com/2017/09/29/var…
I am waiting for high quality #VR headsets to be a viable alternative to cinemas. venturebeat.com/2017/09/29/var…
Weekend DIY project? 300 node #RaspberryPi supercomputer. zdnet.com/article/buildi…
Weekend DIY project? 300 node #RaspberryPi supercomputer. zdnet.com/article/buildi…
#Facebook Messenger success on #iPhone and #Android can also be a curse in the #fakenews era. businessinsider.com/facebook-messe…
#Facebook Messenger success on #iPhone and #Android can also be a curse in the #fakenews era. businessinsider.com/facebook-messe…