#NFC has been around for years but #Android hasn’t helped it to become a standard. Now #iPhone will. betanews.com/2017/09/30/goo…
Microsoft adds #chatbot to #Bing. Enable advertisers with personalised customer engagement. thedrum.com/news/2017/09/3…
Microsoft adds #chatbot to #Bing. Enable advertisers with personalised customer engagement. thedrum.com/news/2017/09/3…
#Nvidia partners with Alibaba on Smart Cities. China aims to have 500 cities wired up by end of this year. fool.com/investing/2017…
#Nvidia partners with Alibaba on Smart Cities. China aims to have 500 cities wired up by end of this year. fool.com/investing/2017…
#RaspberryPi is a good gadget for good coders or engineers to play with. Keep a few in your toolbox. raspberrypi.org/magpi/ultimate…
#RaspberryPi is a good gadget for good coders or engineers to play with. Keep a few in your toolbox. raspberrypi.org/magpi/ultimate…
Can privacy and national security conflicts be resolved with #AI? We don’t mind algorithms checking our data? businessinsider.com/microsoft-ceo-…
Can privacy and national security conflicts be resolved with #AI? We don’t mind algorithms checking our data? businessinsider.com/microsoft-ceo-…
Real reason for #Android phones all having #AI chips in next 2-3 years is #iPhone. androidauthority.com/smartphone-ai-…
Real reason for #Android phones all having #AI chips in next 2-3 years is #iPhone. androidauthority.com/smartphone-ai-…
Will internet giants have enough time to fix their ads systems in time for next election? apnewsarchive.com/2017/Google-sa…
Will internet giants have enough time to fix their ads systems in time for next election? apnewsarchive.com/2017/Google-sa…
Design your #startup for agility before you start. inc.com/larry-alton/a-…
Design your #startup for agility before you start. inc.com/larry-alton/a-…
Chinese patients generally don’t beat up good doctors. Let’s hope #AI will outperform them. :) scmp.com/week-asia/busi…
Chinese patients generally don’t beat up good doctors. Let’s hope #AI will outperform them. 🙂 scmp.com/week-asia/busi…
Innovation is not limited to US. For #AI, don’t forget #Japan, they have been doing it for a long time quietly. forbes.com/sites/elizabet…
Innovation is not limited to US. For #AI, don’t forget #Japan, they have been doing it for a long time quietly. forbes.com/sites/elizabet…