#TomTom quitting wearable business. Can they focus on a killer app on #AppleWatch? digitaltrends.com/wearables/tomt…
#ComputerVision is mature enough for more practical use now. It will help with more flexible #robotics solutions. cosmosmagazine.com/technology/mak…
#ComputerVision is mature enough for more practical use now. It will help with more flexible #robotics solutions. cosmosmagazine.com/technology/mak…
FAMG, now Samsung. Are they avoiding US? Or just normal expansion around the world? #AI digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/sams…
FAMG, now Samsung. Are they avoiding US? Or just normal expansion around the world? #AI digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/sams…
Still hard for traditional #legal systems to adapt quickly enough to global internet computing age. qz.com/1090825/german…
Still hard for traditional #legal systems to adapt quickly enough to global internet computing age. qz.com/1090825/german…
#Oracle developers share top insights. A great read. forbes.com/sites/oracle/2…
#Oracle developers share top insights. A great read. forbes.com/sites/oracle/2…
Many #IoT devices are made in #China, can’t use #GoogleCloud, fragmented market just like #Android. forbes.com/sites/janakira…
Many #IoT devices are made in #China, can’t use #GoogleCloud, fragmented market just like #Android. forbes.com/sites/janakira…
Can be great marketing for #Tesla. But risk is high too. If they miss targets for delivering new cars… arstechnica.com/information-te…
Can be great marketing for #Tesla. But risk is high too. If they miss targets for delivering new cars… arstechnica.com/information-te…
Is the new #Uber CEO strong enough to handle Kalanick at board level? Should he? recode.net/2017/9/30/1639…
Is the new #Uber CEO strong enough to handle Kalanick at board level? Should he? recode.net/2017/9/30/1639…
Give it 5-10 years, any chance of mega merger between FAAMG? Will #Apple be better with #Microsoft or Google? forbes.com/sites/ewanspen…
Give it 5-10 years, any chance of mega merger between FAAMG? Will #Apple be better with #Microsoft or Google? forbes.com/sites/ewanspen…
When will we start hearing positive news about #iPhone8? Still waiting for #Apple PR to do something. inquisitr.com/4528339/apples…
When will we start hearing positive news about #iPhone8? Still waiting for #Apple PR to do something. inquisitr.com/4528339/apples…