#iPhone8 doesn’t need to be exciting to be successful. #MacBookPro been similar for a decade, still selling well. pocketnow.com/2017/10/06/app…
Can’t agree more. Learn how to say no. It’s often not the popular thing to do, but it works. adweek.com/digital/4-thou…
Can’t agree more. Learn how to say no. It’s often not the popular thing to do, but it works. adweek.com/digital/4-thou…
It’s not about the #smartphone, but apps, good #apps, simpler to use, getting things done. mashable.com/2017/10/07/sma…
It’s not about the #smartphone, but apps, good #apps, simpler to use, getting things done. mashable.com/2017/10/07/sma…
More #mealkit news. Food, like fashion, needs many many brands. businessinsider.com/gousto-alexa-a…
More #mealkit news. Food, like fashion, needs many many brands. businessinsider.com/gousto-alexa-a…
It’s still too early to tell about #Snap. But #mealkits will find it hard to make money. recode.net/2017/10/8/1644…
It’s still too early to tell about #Snap. But #mealkits will find it hard to make money. recode.net/2017/10/8/1644…
Sports are getting less about talents? Just practice 24/7 with machines for years, then beat other humans? #robotics engadget.com/2017/10/08/omr…
Sports are getting less about talents? Just practice 24/7 with machines for years, then beat other humans? #robotics engadget.com/2017/10/08/omr…
Shouldn’t rely on #startups to do #mealkits. That’s what supermarkets are for. businessinsider.com/tesco-meal-kit…
Shouldn’t rely on #startups to do #mealkits. That’s what supermarkets are for. businessinsider.com/tesco-meal-kit…
How do they work out #AI #IQ when we can’t easily measure both intelligence and age of system? bgr.com/2017/10/08/sir…
How do they work out #AI #IQ when we can’t easily measure both intelligence and age of system? bgr.com/2017/10/08/sir…
Trusting a company to run your #Blockchain is okay for internal use, but they can theoretically hack or control it. coindesk.com/oracles-entran…
Trusting a company to run your #Blockchain is okay for internal use, but they can theoretically hack or control it. coindesk.com/oracles-entran…
Many ways to use #AWS to build your first #chatbot. aws.amazon.com/what-is-a-chat…
Many ways to use #AWS to build your first #chatbot. aws.amazon.com/what-is-a-chat…