#Apple has upper hand as they don’t have to pay for such cost. #Google will lose significant traffic if deal ends. 9to5google.com/2017/10/10/goo…
Back in #Nokia days, plastic phones were good, metal phones were premium phones. androidcentral.com/metal-really-b…
Back in #Nokia days, plastic phones were good, metal phones were premium phones. androidcentral.com/metal-really-b…
It’s not just a digital voting system issue. But a total rethink on how we confirm public opinion timely. #security engadget.com/2017/10/10/def…
It’s not just a digital voting system issue. But a total rethink on how we confirm public opinion timely. #security engadget.com/2017/10/10/def…
Copying legally, mostly non-core tech, is okay. Can drive industry-wide innovation forward. #startup inc.com/yazin-akkawi/w…
Copying legally, mostly non-core tech, is okay. Can drive industry-wide innovation forward. #startup inc.com/yazin-akkawi/w…
#Nokia to end #Ozo virtual reality camera and 310 jobs. 2016 #AR #VR craze officially over yet? theverge.com/2017/10/10/164…
#Nokia to end #Ozo virtual reality camera and 310 jobs. 2016 #AR #VR craze officially over yet? theverge.com/2017/10/10/164…
#BillGates is the most successful dropout. Do as he says not as he does. :) mashable.com/2017/10/10/bil…
#BillGates is the most successful dropout. Do as he says not as he does. 🙂 mashable.com/2017/10/10/bil…
Bill.com, a great name for a #fintech company. 1% market share in 11 years can be a tough sell. businessinsider.com/billcom-gets-7…
Bill.com, a great name for a #fintech company. 1% market share in 11 years can be a tough sell. businessinsider.com/billcom-gets-7…
#IBMcloud making it easier for development of serverless applications. zdnet.com/article/ibm-un…
#IBMcloud making it easier for development of serverless applications. zdnet.com/article/ibm-un…
Hello Alice of #Yandex in Russia. So many virtual assistants. Will struggle to remember all the names. engadget.com/2017/10/10/ali…
Hello Alice of #Yandex in Russia. So many virtual assistants. Will struggle to remember all the names. engadget.com/2017/10/10/ali…
Can #Microsoft make coding cool again? Not for consumer, but for big companies? businessinsider.com/microsoft-vent…
Can #Microsoft make coding cool again? Not for consumer, but for big companies? businessinsider.com/microsoft-vent…