Will #5G be a hit like 4G or be a slow drag like 3G adoption? theverge.com/2017/10/16/164…
We all know #AWS is still the clear winner for now, but can’t blame #Microsoft’s marketing department for trying. siliconangle.com/blog/2017/10/1…
We all know #AWS is still the clear winner for now, but can’t blame #Microsoft‘s marketing department for trying. siliconangle.com/blog/2017/10/1…
$100 billion is not that much for a 300-year business plan, #MasayoshiSon will need more money. recode.net/2017/10/16/164…
$100 billion is not that much for a 300-year business plan, #MasayoshiSon will need more money. recode.net/2017/10/16/164…
#Apple usually buys in core technologies to sell more devices and not more services. 9to5mac.com/2017/10/16/rep…
#Apple usually buys in core technologies to sell more devices and not more services. 9to5mac.com/2017/10/16/rep…
Okay for big companies to drag and fight in court for years. For #startups, it’s not an option. Beware of IP issues. cnet.com/news/apple-hit…
Okay for big companies to drag and fight in court for years. For #startups, it’s not an option. Beware of IP issues. cnet.com/news/apple-hit…
IT #Security is a continuous effort, need to stay adaptable and ready for updates. A big problem for #Android. arstechnica.com/information-te…
IT #Security is a continuous effort, need to stay adaptable and ready for updates. A big problem for #Android. arstechnica.com/information-te…
We saw the power of #Facebook way back in #Obama 2008 campaign. theatlantic.com/technology/arc…
We saw the power of #Facebook way back in #Obama 2008 campaign. theatlantic.com/technology/arc…
Using #VR for medical research to trick the brains of stroke victims. cnet.com/news/vr-could-…
Using #VR for medical research to trick the brains of stroke victims. cnet.com/news/vr-could-…
#Samsung launched a smart tag for NB-IoT (narrowband IoT). zdnet.com/article/samsun…
#Samsung launched a smart tag for NB-IoT (narrowband IoT). zdnet.com/article/samsun…
Will #ElonMusk get to write the constitution and laws of Mars? techcrunch.com/2017/10/15/elo…
Will #ElonMusk get to write the constitution and laws of Mars? techcrunch.com/2017/10/15/elo…