Can #Uber become an on-demand service company? Start next big wave in gig-economy?…
#HTML5 has been around in some shape or form for nearly a decade. It’s getting better, but still not a threat to all native apps yet.…
#HTML5 has been around in some shape or form for nearly a decade. It’s getting better, but still not a threat to all native apps yet.…
#HarryPotter can be fun as the next #PokemonGo. Can #JurassicPark make it too? Or AR #Minecraft.…
#HarryPotter can be fun as the next #PokemonGo. Can #JurassicPark make it too? Or AR #Minecraft.…
We still don’t quite understand how to handle encryption. How about direct mind reading technologies?…
We still don’t quite understand how to handle encryption. How about direct mind reading technologies?…
Who will own all the robots and land?
Who will own all the robots and land? These robots have the potential to drastically change our approach to agriculture 🌳 🍎 — Mashable (@mashable) November 9, 2017
“Competition is for losers.” #Startups should learn this. It’s not about what others are doing. Stay focus and innovate.
“Competition is for losers.” #Startups should learn this. It’s not about what others are doing. Stay focus and innovate. “Competition is for losers.” @PeterThiel says this and I mostly agree….
We need to start getting ready for #AI and #Bigdata bossing us around. Telling us that at least 50% of people will never be good enough.…
We need to start getting ready for #AI and #Bigdata bossing us around. Telling us that at least 50% of people will never be good enough.…
Just ignore the exact order, it’s a good list of top #cloud vendors.…
Just ignore the exact order, it’s a good list of top #cloud vendors.…
The idea of giving #Facebook our “non-consensual intimate image” in order to stop it from spreading is not too comforting. Can we trust FB enough?…
The idea of giving #Facebook our “non-consensual intimate image” in order to stop it from spreading is not too comforting. Can we trust FB enough?…
Forget about the stock price, this is more of a concern for #Snap. Unless they can quickly find some other big name to replace him.…
Forget about the stock price, this is more of a concern for #Snap. Unless they can quickly find some other big name to replace him.…