10% of #ICO stolen might sound bad. But how about 90% scams or just worthless? reuters.com/article/us-ico…
Assuming that all 677,000 voted the “wrong” way, that’s less than 0.5% of all votes. vox.com/2018/1/19/1691…
Assuming that all 677,000 voted the “wrong” way, that’s less than 0.5% of all votes. vox.com/2018/1/19/1691…
Will #Spotify turn a profit in 2018? engadget.com/2018/01/02/spo…
Will #Spotify turn a profit in 2018? engadget.com/2018/01/02/spo…
your customer service team sucks. just trained to say “no” repeatedly. i have 3 active skype numbers as part of my unlimited world account. account is active and fully paid. one of my numbers is marked as expired incorrectly. please help and stop saying no! @SkypeSupport
your customer service team sucks. just trained to say “no” repeatedly. i have 3 active skype numbers as part of my unlimited world account. account is active and fully paid….
How many times can you fold a sheet of paper? World record so far, 13 times. mathscareers.org.uk/article/how-ma…
How many times can you fold a sheet of paper? World record so far, 13 times. mathscareers.org.uk/article/how-ma…
What to do this xmas? Use your spare CPU power to trade some ByteCoin. It’s not totally free, still have to pay for electricity. hitbtc.com/?ref_id=5a3b2e…
What to do this xmas? Use your spare CPU power to trade some ByteCoin. It’s not totally free, still have to pay for electricity. hitbtc.com/?ref_id=5a3b2e…
Can’t say that food delivery is much healthier than even instant noodles. But they are certainly cheap and convenient in China. All done by mobile apps, mobile payment, all for around 2-3 US dollars including delivery charges. bbc.com/news/business-…
Can’t say that food delivery is much healthier than even instant noodles. But they are certainly cheap and convenient in China. All done by mobile apps, mobile payment, all for…
With great power comes great responsibility? We can’t use technology to design a better currency which eliminates such fraud or theft? bbc.com/news/technolog…
With great power comes great responsibility? We can’t use technology to design a better currency which eliminates such fraud or theft? bbc.com/news/technolog…
Is this too surprising? #Uber is a taxi company. But can this be extended to say #Airbnb is a hotel? bbc.com/news/business-…
Is this too surprising? #Uber is a taxi company. But can this be extended to say #Airbnb is a hotel? bbc.com/news/business-…
Assuming that you don’t have to pay for electricity, network and hardware costs. If you can get 10 hash per second, that’s about USD15 in a year. My #iPhoneX can do about 40 hash, that’s around 60 bucks a year. #Monero authedmine.com/media/miner.ht…
Assuming that you don’t have to pay for electricity, network and hardware costs. If you can get 10 hash per second, that’s about USD15 in a year. My #iPhoneX can…