#Google can get away with this. Admit it as an “error”. Hiding a microphone inside without telling users upfront and later enabling it is simply wrong. They are too big…
“Dangerous” #AI. Yes, it might help to trick us to read for hours and hours of randomly generated text. Killing productivity. Will it balance out the excess hours from job losses? techcrunch.com/2019/02/17/ope…
“Dangerous” #AI. Yes, it might help to trick us to read for hours and hours of randomly generated text. Killing productivity. Will it balance out the excess hours from job…
@richardquest @Airbus I still remember the coverage on bbc world business report about this. Wow. Nearly 20 years ago. Lucky that it is not going to break Airbus as feared. But was a brave move against mighty Boeing back then.
@richardquest @Airbus I still remember the coverage on bbc world business report about this. Wow. Nearly 20 years ago. Lucky that it is not going to break Airbus as feared….
What are we comparing the 50% to? The marketing, printing and distribution costs with traditional media? News outlets might be shocked by this, but what’s if traditional magazine publishers use this to cover news too? #Apple recode.net/2019/2/13/1822…
What are we comparing the 50% to? The marketing, printing and distribution costs with traditional media? News outlets might be shocked by this, but what’s if traditional magazine publishers use…
Do not be surprised to see more Sugar Puffs (or Frosties) ads in future #Netflix movies depending on what you chose. 😀 theverge.com/2019/2/13/1822…
Do not be surprised to see more Sugar Puffs (or Frosties) ads in future #Netflix movies depending on what you chose. 😀 theverge.com/2019/2/13/1822…
Typical laptops can last 3-5 years, it’s not hard imagine mobile phones having similar upgrade cycles. That’s what killed Nokia back then, building such high quality indestructible phones. Need to push ahead to provide more paid services. #smartphones cultofmac.com/605882/iphone-…
Typical laptops can last 3-5 years, it’s not hard imagine mobile phones having similar upgrade cycles. That’s what killed Nokia back then, building such high quality indestructible phones. Need to…
Sounds impressive, but I am sure “shared, single version of the truth” is not a new new thing in banking IT. #Blockchain coindesk.com/hsbc-says-its-…
Sounds impressive, but I am sure “shared, single version of the truth” is not a new new thing in banking IT. #Blockchain coindesk.com/hsbc-says-its-…
Disaster Recovery testing at a national level. bbc.com/news/technolog…
Disaster Recovery testing at a national level. bbc.com/news/technolog…
Gig-economy is not the same as full-time or even part-time jobs. It is typically focused on ad-hoc demand and just-in-time delivery. Why should it have similar reward model as typical jobs where idle time is priced in? recode.net/2019/2/6/18213…
Gig-economy is not the same as full-time or even part-time jobs. It is typically focused on ad-hoc demand and just-in-time delivery. Why should it have similar reward model as typical…
Fast forward another 10-20 years, it will be “How #Facebook and #Twitter have the power to destroy lives”. If not already. bbc.com/news/world-us-…
Fast forward another 10-20 years, it will be “How #Facebook and #Twitter have the power to destroy lives”. If not already. bbc.com/news/world-us-…